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Clean Code Basic Notes

Basic Code Patterns

Design Patterns

Software design is the art of managing dependencies and abstractions.

  • Minimizing dependencies.
  • Introduce fitting abstractions.

SOLID Principles

  • Single Responsibility Principle: 单一功能原则.
  • Open-closed Principle: 开闭原则.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle: 里氏替换原则.
  • Interface Segregation Principle: 接口隔离原则.
  • Dependency Inversion Principle: 依赖反转原则.
SOLID Principles
  • 单一职责是所有设计原则的基础.
  • 开闭原则是设计的终极目标.
  • 里氏替换原则强调的是子类替换父类后程序运行时的正确性, 它用来帮助实现开闭原则.
  • 接口隔离原则用来帮助实现里氏替换原则, 同时它也体现了单一职责.
  • 依赖倒置原则是过程式设计与面向对象设计的分水岭, 同时它也被用来指导接口隔离原则.

Single Responsibility Principle

Too much functionality is in one class and you modify a piece of it, it can be difficult to understand how that will affect other dependent modules:

  • Singleton pattern.
  • Decorator pattern.
  • Proxy pattern.
  • Iterator pattern.
  • Visitor pattern.
// BAD
class Animal {
constructor(name) {

getAnimalName() {

saveAnimal(animal) {}

class Animal {
constructor(name) {

getAnimalName() {

class AnimalDB {
getAnimal(animal) {}
saveAnimal(animal) {}
Exception Handle

异常处理视作单独职责, 抽离 try catch 代码块, 使之成为单独函数.

Open-Closed Principle

Allow users to add new functionalities without changing existing code, open for extension, close for modification:

  • Polymorphism (多态性).
  • Adapter pattern.
  • Decorator pattern.
  • Proxy pattern.
  • Chain of responsibility pattern.
  • Iterator pattern.
  • Pub-Sub pattern.
  • State pattern.
  • Strategy pattern.
  • Template Method Pattern.
class Coder {
constructor(fullName, language, hobby, education, workplace, position) {
this.fullName = fullName
this.language = language
this.hobby = hobby = education
this.workplace = workplace
this.position = position

// BAD: filter by any other new property have to change CodeFilter's code.
class CoderFilter {
filterByName(coders, fullName) {
return coders.filter(coder => coder.fullName === fullName)

filterByLang(coders, language) {
return coders.filter(coder => coder.language === language)

filterByHobby(coders, hobby) {
return coders.filter(coder => coder.hobby === hobby)

class CoderFilter {
filterByProp = (array, propName, value) =>
array.filter(element => element[propName] === value)
const animals: Array<Animal> = [new Animal('lion'), new Animal('mouse')]

function AnimalSound(a: Array<Animal>) {
for (let i = 0; i <= a.length; i++) {
if (a[i].name === 'lion')

if (a[i].name === 'mouse')

class Animal {
// ...

class Lion extends Animal {
makeSound() {
return 'roar'

class Squirrel extends Animal {
makeSound() {
return 'squeak'

class Snake extends Animal {
makeSound() {
return 'hiss'

function AnimalSound(a: Array<Animal>) {
for (let i = 0; i <= a.length; i++) log(a[i].makeSound())

class Discount {
giveDiscount() {
if (this.customer === 'fav')
return this.price * 0.2

if (this.customer === 'vip')
return this.price * 0.4
class VIPDiscount extends Discount {
getDiscount() {
return super.getDiscount() * 2

class SuperVIPDiscount extends VIPDiscount {
getDiscount() {
return super.getDiscount() * 2

Liskov Substitution Principle

Objects of ParentType can be replaced with objects of SubType without altering. Altering shows that SubType should not be subtype of ParentType (break Open Closed Principle), you should re-design ParentType and SubType.

function AnimalLegCount(a: Array<Animal>) {
for (let i = 0; i <= a.length; i++) {
if (typeof a[i] === 'Lion') {

if (typeof a[i] === 'Mouse') {

if (typeof a[i] === 'Snake') {

class Animal {
LegCount() {
return 2

class Lion extends Animal {
LegCount() {
return 4

function AnimalLegCount(a: Array<Animal>) {
for (let i = 0; i <= a.length; i++) a[i].LegCount()


Interface Segregation Principle

  • Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific.
  • Clients should not be forced to depend upon interfaces that they do not use: 任何层次的软件设计如果依赖了它并不需要的东西, 就会带来意料之外的麻烦.
// BAD.
interface IShape {
drawCircle: () => any
drawSquare: () => any
drawRectangle: () => any

class Circle implements IShape {
drawCircle() {
// ...

drawSquare() {
// ...

drawRectangle() {
// ...

class Square implements IShape {
drawCircle() {
// ...

drawSquare() {
// ...

drawRectangle() {
// ...

class Rectangle implements IShape {
drawCircle() {
// ...

drawSquare() {
// ...

drawRectangle() {
// ...
// GOOD.
interface IShape {
draw: () => any

interface ICircle {
drawCircle: () => any

interface ISquare {
drawSquare: () => any

interface IRectangle {
drawRectangle: () => any

interface ITriangle {
drawTriangle: () => any

class Circle implements ICircle {
drawCircle() {
// ...

class Square implements ISquare {
drawSquare() {
// ...

class Rectangle implements IRectangle {
drawRectangle() {
// ...

class Triangle implements ITriangle {
drawTriangle() {
// ...

class CustomShape implements IShape {
draw() {
// ...
// GOOD.
class Circle implements IShape {
draw() {
// ...

class Triangle implements IShape {
draw() {
// ...

class Square implements IShape {
draw() {
// ...

class Rectangle implements IShape {
draw() {
// ...

Dependency Inversion Principle

Dependency should be on abstractions not concretions:

  • High-level modules should not depend upon low-level modules. Both should depend upon abstractions
  • Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend upon abstractions
  • Pros:
    • Loosely coupled modules.
    • Better reusability.
    • Better testability.
class XMLHttpService extends XMLHttpRequestService {}

class Http {
constructor(private xmlHttpService: XMLHttpService) {}

get(url: string, options: any) {
this.xmlHttpService.request(url, 'GET')

post() {
this.xmlHttpService.request(url, 'POST')
interface Connection {
request: (url: string, opts: any) => any

// Abstraction not upon on details (but upon on abstractions)
class Http {
constructor(private httpConnection: Connection) {}

get(url: string, options: any) {
this.httpConnection.request(url, 'GET')

post() {
this.httpConnection.request(url, 'POST')

class XMLHttpService implements Connection {
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()

request(url: string, opts: any) {

class NodeHttpService implements Connection {
request(url: string, opts: any) {
// ...

class MockHttpService implements Connection {
request(url: string, opts: any) {
// ...

Least Knowledge Principle

最少知识原则 (Law of Demeter):

  • 一个软件实体 (变量/对象/类/函数/模块/系统) 应当尽可能少地与其他实体发生相互作用.
  • 若两个对象无需直接通信, 则两个对象不应直接相互联系, 引入一个第三者对象承担通信作用.
  • Facade pattern.
  • Mediator pattern.

Common Design Patterns

Common Design Patterns

Patterns Classification

Creation Patterns

  • Factory Method (工厂方法): 通过将数据和事件接口化来构建若干个子类.
  • Abstract Factory (抽象工厂): 建立若干族类的一个实例, 这个实例不需要具体类的细节信息 (抽象类).
  • Builder (建造者): 将对象的构建方法和其表现形式分离开来, 总是构建相同类型的对象.
  • Prototype (原型): 一个完全初始化的实例, 用于拷贝或者克隆.
  • Singleton (单例): 一个类只有唯一的一个实例, 这个实例在整个程序中有一个全局的访问点.

Structural Patterns

  • Adapter (适配器模式): 将不同类的接口进行匹配与调整, 使得内部接口不兼容的类可以协同工作.
  • Bridge (桥接模式): 将对象的接口从其实现中分离出来, 这样对象的实现和接口可以独立的变化.
  • Composite (组合模式): 通过将简单可组合的对象组合起来, 构成一个完整的对象, 这个对象的能力将会超过这些组成部分的能力的总和, 产生新的能力.
  • Decorator (装饰器): 动态给对象增加一些可替换的处理流程.
  • Facade (外观模式): 一个类隐藏了内部子系统的复杂度, 只暴露出一些简单的接口.
  • Flyweight (享元模式) 一个细粒度对象, 用于将包含在其它地方的信息 在不同对象之间高效地共享.
  • Proxy (代理模式): 一个充当占位符的对象用来代表一个真实的对象.

Behavioral Patterns

  • Chain of Responsibility (响应链): 一种将请求在一串对象中传递的方式, 寻找可以处理这个请求的对象.
  • Command (命令): 封装命令请求为一个对象, 从而使记录日志, 队列缓存请求, 未处理请求进行错误处理 这些功能称为可能.
  • Interpreter (解释器): 将语言元素包含在一个应用中的一种方式, 用于匹配目标语言的语法.
  • Iterator (迭代器): 在不需要直到集合内部工作原理的情况下, 顺序访问一个集合里面的元素.
  • Mediator (中介者模式): 在类之间定义简化的通信方式, 用于避免类之间显式的持有彼此的引用.
  • Observer (观察者模式): 用于将变化通知给多个类的方式, 可以保证类之间的一致性.
  • State (状态): 当对象状态改变时, 改变对象的行为.
  • Strategy (策略): 将算法封装到类中, 将选择和实现分离开来.
  • Template Method (模板方法): 在一个方法中为某个算法建立一层外壳, 将算法的具体步骤交付给子类去做.
  • Visitor (访问者): 为类增加新的操作而不改变类本身.

Factory Method Pattern

Creating objects without specify exact object class: not calling a constructor directly.

Static Factory Method Pattern

CoordinateSystem = {

class Point {
constructor(x, y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y

static get factory() {
return new PointFactory()

class PointFactory {
static newCartesianPoint(x, y) {
return new Point(x, y)

static newPolarPoint(rho, theta) {
return new Point(rho * Math.cos(theta), rho * Math.sin(theta))

const point = PointFactory.newPolarPoint(5, Math.PI / 2)
const point2 = PointFactory.newCartesianPoint(5, 6)

Dynamic Factory Method Pattern

class Vehicle {
type = 'vehicle',
state = 'brand new',
color = 'white',
speed = 0,
} = {}) {
this.type = type
this.state = state
this.color = color
this.speed = speed

run(...args) {
if (args.length === 0)
console.log(`${this.type} - run with: ${this.speed}km/s`)
else if (toString.apply(args[0]) === '[object Number]')
this.speed = args[0]

withColor(...args) {
if (args.length === 0)
console.log(`The color of this ${this.type} product is : ${this.color}`)
else if (toString.apply(args[0]) === '[object String]')
this.color = args[0]

reform(funcName, newFunc) {
if (
typeof this[funcName] === 'function'
|| typeof this.prototype[funcName] === 'function'
) {
delete this[funcName]
this.prototype[funcName] = newFunc

addFeature(funcName, newFunc) {
if (typeof this[funcName] === 'undefined') {
this[funcName] = newFunc
this.prototype[funcName] = newFunc

class Car extends Vehicle {
type = 'car',
state = 'brand new',
color = 'silver',
speed = 10,
doors = 4,
} = {}) {
super({ type, state, color, speed })
this.doors = doors

class Truck extends Vehicle {
type = 'truck',
state = 'used',
color = 'blue',
speed = 8,
wheelSize = 'large',
} = {}) {
super({ type, state, color, speed })
this.wheelSize = 'large'

class VehicleFactory {
constructor() {
this.VehicleClass = Car

createVehicle(options) {
switch (options.vehicleType) {
case 'car':
this.VehicleClass = Car
case 'truck':
this.VehicleClass = Truck

return new this.VehicleClass(options)

class CarFactory extends VehicleFactory {
constructor() {
this.VehicleClass = Car

class TruckFactory extends VehicleFactory {
constructor() {
this.VehicleClass = Truck

const vehicleFactory = new VehicleFactory()
const car = vehicleFactory.createVehicle({
vehicleType: 'car',
color: 'yellow',
doors: 6,
const movingTruck = vehicleFactory.createVehicle({
vehicleType: 'truck',
state: 'like new',
color: 'red',
wheelSize: 'small',

const truckFactory = new TruckFactory()
const bigTruck = truckFactory.createVehicle({
state: 'bad.',
color: 'pink',
wheelSize: 'so big',

Asynchronous Factory Method Pattern

class DataContainer {
#active = false

#init(data) {
this.#active = true
this.#data = data
return this

#check() {
if (!this.#active)
throw new TypeError('Not created by factory')

getData() {
return `DATA: ${this.#data}`

static async create() {
const data = await Promise.resolve('downloaded')
return new this().#init(data)

DataContainer.create().then(dc =>
assert.equal(dc.getData(), 'DATA: downloaded')

Abstract Factory Pattern

Encapsulate a group of individual factories that have a common theme without specifying their concrete classes.

class Drink {
consume() {}

class Tea extends Drink {
consume() {
console.log('This is Tea')

class Coffee extends Drink {
consume() {
console.log(`This is Coffee`)

class DrinkFactory {
prepare(amount) {}

class TeaFactory extends DrinkFactory {
makeTea() {
console.log(`Tea Created`)
return new Tea()

class CoffeeFactory extends DrinkFactory {
makeCoffee() {
console.log(`Coffee Created`)
return new Coffee()

const teaDrinkFactory = new TeaFactory()
const tea = teaDrinkFactory.makeTea()
class AbstractVehicleFactory {
constructor() {
// Vehicle types
this.types = {}

getVehicle(type, customizations) {
const Vehicle = this.types[type]

return Vehicle ? new Vehicle(customizations) : null

registerVehicle(type, Vehicle) {
const proto = Vehicle.prototype

// Only register classes that fulfill the vehicle contract
if ( && proto.breakDown)
this.types[type] = Vehicle

return this

// Usage:
const abstractVehicleFactory = new AbstractVehicleFactory()
.registerVehicle('car', Car)
.registerVehicle('truck', Truck)

// Instantiate a new car based on the abstract vehicle type
const car = abstractVehicleFactory.getVehicle('car', {
color: 'lime green',
state: 'like new',

// Instantiate a new truck in a similar manner
const truck = abstractVehicleFactory.getVehicle('truck', {
wheelSize: 'medium',
color: 'neon yellow',

Builder Pattern

Flexible object creation with chain style calls.

class Person {
constructor() {
this.streetAddress = ''
this.postcode = '' = ''
this.companyName = ''
this.position = ''
this.annualIncome = 0

toString() {
return (
`Person lives at ${this.streetAddress}, ${}, ${this.postcode}\n`
+ `and works at ${this.companyName} as a ${this.position} earning ${this.annualIncome}`

class PersonBuilder {
constructor(person = new Person()) {
this.person = person

get lives() {
return new PersonAddressBuilder(this.person)

get works() {
return new PersonJobBuilder(this.person)

build() {
return this.person

class PersonJobBuilder extends PersonBuilder {
constructor(person) {

at(companyName) {
this.person.companyName = companyName
return this

asA(position) {
this.person.position = position
return this

earning(annualIncome) {
this.person.annualIncome = annualIncome
return this

class PersonAddressBuilder extends PersonBuilder {
constructor(person) {

at(streetAddress) {
this.person.streetAddress = streetAddress
return this

withPostcode(postcode) {
this.person.postcode = postcode
return this

in(city) { = city
return this

const personBuilder = new PersonBuilder()
const person = personBuilder.lives
.at('ABC Road')

Prototype Pattern


  • Object.create().
  • Object shallow clone.
class Car {
constructor(name, model) { = name
this.model = model

SetName(name) {

clone() {
return new Car(, this.model)

const car = new Car()

const car2 = car.clone()

Singleton Pattern

Singleton Use Case
  • Redux/VueX global store.
  • Window 对象.
  • 全局配置.
  • 全局缓存.
  • 线程池.
  • 内存池.

Class Singleton Pattern

class Singleton {
constructor() {
const instance = this.constructor.instance
if (instance)
return instance
this.constructor.instance = this

say() {

class Singleton {
private static instance: Singleton
private constructor() {}

public static getInstance() {
if (!Singleton.instance)
Singleton.instance = new Singleton()

return Singleton.instance

someMethod() {}

const instance = Singleton.getInstance()

Closure Singleton Pattern

const createLoginLayer = (function (creator) {
let singleton

return function () {
if (!singleton)
singleton = creator()
return singleton

Adapter Pattern

适配器通过内部使用新接口规定的属性/方法, 创建一个外观与旧接口一致的方法 (兼容旧代码):

  • old.method().
  • adapter.method(): 实现此 method 时, 使用了新接口规定的属性/方法.
  • 符合开放封闭原则.
Adapter Use Case
  • API adapter.
  • 3rd-party code adapter.
  • Legacy code adapter (version compatibility).
  • Testing and mocking.
class Calculator1 {
constructor() {
this.operations = function (value1, value2, operation) {
switch (operation) {
case 'add':
return value1 + value2
case 'sub':
return value1 - value2
throw new Error('Unsupported operations!')

class Calculator2 {
constructor() {
this.add = function (value1, value2) {
return value1 + value2

this.sub = function (value1, value2) {
return value1 - value2

class CalcAdapter {
constructor() {
const cal2 = new Calculator2()

this.operations = function (value1, value2, operation) {
switch (operation) {
case 'add':
return cal2.add(value1, value2)
case 'sub':
return cal2.sub(value1, value2)
throw new Error('Unsupported operations!')
// old interface
function Shipping() {
this.request = function (zipStart, zipEnd, weight) {
// ...
return '$49.75'

// new interface
function AdvancedShipping() {
this.login = function (credentials) {
/* ... */
this.setStart = function (start) {
/* ... */
this.setDestination = function (destination) {
/* ... */
this.calculate = function (weight) {
return '$39.50'

// adapter interface
function AdapterShipping(credentials) {
const shipping = new AdvancedShipping()


return {
request(zipStart, zipEnd, weight) {
return shipping.calculate(weight)
const shipping = new Shipping()
const adapterShipping = new AdapterShipping(credentials)

// original shipping object and interface
let cost = shipping.request('78701', '10010', '2 lbs')
log.add(`Old cost: ${cost}`)
// new shipping object with adapted interface
cost = adapter.request('78701', '10010', '2 lbs')

Bridge Pattern

Split large class or set of closely related classes into two separate hierarchies:

  • 分离抽象和实现 (Separate abstracts and implements).
  • 分离对象的两种不同属性. e.g 从 2 个不同维度上扩展对象.
Bridge Use Case
  • Platform independence: e.g separate GUI frameworks from operating systems.
  • Database drivers.
  • Device drivers.
class VectorRenderer {
renderCircle(radius) {
console.log(`Drawing a circle of radius ${radius}`)

class RasterRenderer {
renderCircle(radius) {
console.log(`Drawing pixels for circle of radius ${radius}`)

class Shape {
constructor(renderer) {
this.renderer = renderer

class Circle extends Shape {
constructor(renderer, radius) {
this.radius = radius

draw() {

resize(factor) {
this.radius *= factor

const raster = new RasterRenderer()
const vector = new VectorRenderer()
const circle = new Circle(vector, 5)

Composite Pattern

  • 封装: 组合模式将对象组合成树形结构, 以表示 部分+整体 的层次结构.
  • 多态: 组合模式通过对象的多态性表现, 使得用户对单个对象和组合对象的使用具有一致性.
  • 扩展: 通过将简单可组合的对象组合起来, 构成一个完整的对象, 这个对象的能力将会超过这些组成部分的能力的总和, 产生新的能力.
  • 组合模式是一种 HAS-A (聚合) 的关系, 而不是 IS-A: 组合对象包含一组叶对象, 但 Leaf 并不是 Composite 的子类 (尽管称为父子节点). 组合对象把请求委托给它所包含的所有叶对象, 它们能够合作的关键是拥有相同的接口.
Composite Use Case
  • Graphics and UI Frameworks: e.g DOM.
  • File Systems: e.g directory tree.
  • Organization Structures.
  • AST.

Composite Pattern Implementation


  • 根结点:
    • Component 抽象对象/接口 采用最大宽接口,定义内点和叶点的操作.
    • 将内点特有的操作集设为缺省操作集 (空实现).
  • 内点:
    • 持有父结点和子节点的引用 (可使用 Flyweight 模式实现共享).
    • 操作集: 内点操作集 (可添加/删除组件).
  • 叶点:
    • 持有父结点引用.
    • 操作集: 叶点操作集 (不可添加/删除组件).
interface Component {
add: (Component) => void
remove: (Component) => void
do: (Context) => void

class Composite implements Component {
add(child: Component) {
console.log('Add child')

remove(child: Component) {
console.log('Remove child')

do(context: Context) {
console.log('Do composite work')

for (const child of this.children)

class Leaf implements Component {
add(child: Component) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

remove(child: Component) {
if (this.parent === null)
console.log('Remove self')

do(context: Context) {
console.log('Do leaf work')

const root = new Composite()
const c1 = new Composite()
const c2 = new Composite()
const leaf1 = new Leaf()
const leaf2 = new Leaf()

Decorator Pattern

  • 重写/重载/扩展对象原有的行为 (Methods), 但不改变对象原有属性.
  • 可以添加新属性, 并围绕新属性扩展对象的原行为 e.g 原对象只会说中文, 装饰后同时说中文与英文.
  • 避免了通过继承来为类型添加新职责, 通过继承的方式容易造成子类的膨胀.
  • 保持接口的一致性, 动态改变对象的外观/职责.
  • ConcreteDecorator 类: private ClassName component 拥有一个对象引用.
  • 在 JS 中, 可以利用 Closure (闭包) + Higher Order Function (高阶函数) 快速实现装饰器模式.
  • 符合开放封闭原则和单一职责模式.
Decorator Use Case
  • React HOC Components.
  • ES2016 and TypeScript @decorator.
  • Guard: form validator.
  • Interceptor:
    • HTTP request and response decorator.
    • Web statistic tool.
  • Transformer.
  • AOP: Aspect Oriented Programming.
function __decorate(decorators, target) {
const decorateTarget = target

for (const decorator of decorators)
decorateTarget = decorator(decorateTarget) || decorateTarget

return decorateTarget
class MacBook {
constructor() {
this.cost = 997
this.screenSize = 11.6

getCost() {
return this.cost

getScreenSize() {
return this.screenSize

// Decorator 1
class Memory extends MacBook {
constructor(macBook) {
this.macBook = macBook

getCost() {
return this.macBook.getCost() + 75

// Decorator 2
class Engraving extends MacBook {
constructor(macBook) {
this.macBook = macBook

getCost() {
return this.macBook.getCost() + 200

// Decorator 3
class Insurance extends MacBook {
constructor(macBook) {
this.macBook = macBook

getCost() {
return this.macBook.getCost() + 250

let mb = new MacBook()
mb = new Memory(mb)
mb = new Engraving(mb)
mb = new Insurance(mb)

// Outputs: 1522
// Outputs: 11.6

Facade Pattern


将多个复杂的子系统封装 + 合并, 实现一个复杂功能, 但只暴露一个简单的接口.

class CPU {
freeze() {

jump(position) {

execute() {

class Memory {
load(position, data) {

class HardDrive {
read(lba, size) {

class ComputerFacade {
constructor() {
this.processor = new CPU()
this.ram = new Memory()
this.hd = new HardDrive()

start() {

const computer = new ComputerFacade()
sabertazimi.addMyEvent = function (el, ev, fn) {
if (el.addEventListener)
el.addEventListener(ev, fn, false)
else if (el.attachEvent)
el.attachEvent(`on${ev}`, fn)
else el[`on${ev}`] = fn

Flyweight Pattern

减小内存开销 (Performance Optimization):

  • 内部信息: 对象中的内部方法所需信息/属性, 一个单独的享元可替代大量具有相同内在信息的对象.
  • 外部状态: 作为方法参数, 使之适应不同的外部状态 (Context), 实例对象差异.
  • 某个类型的对象有大量的实例, 对这些实例进行分类, 合并相同分类的对象, 只创建少量实例 (享元).
  • 通过享元工厂来管理一组享元:
    • 当所需享元已存在时, 返回已存在享元.
    • 当所需享元不存在时, 创建新享元.
Flyweight Use Case
  • Objects pool: e.g text processing.
  • DOM nodes pool: e.g user interface.
  • Event delegation.
  • Reduce similar object instances.
  • Caching.

Flyweight Factory Pattern

class Flyweight {
constructor(make, model, processor) {
this.make = make
this.model = model
this.processor = processor

class FlyweightFactory {
static flyweights = new Map()

static get(make, model, processor) {
const id = make + model

if (FlyweightFactory.flyweights.has(id))
return FlyweightFactory.flyweights.get(id)

const flyweight = new Flyweight(make, model, processor)
FlyweightFactory.flyweights.set(id, flyweight)
return flyweight

static getCount() {
return FlyweightFactory.flyweights.size

class Computer {
constructor(make, model, processor, memory, tag) {
this.flyweight = FlyweightFactory.get(make, model, processor)
this.memory = memory
this.tag = tag
this.getMake = function () {
return this.flyweight.make

class ComputerCollection {
computers = new Map()

add(make, model, processor, memory, tag) {
this.computers.set(tag, new Computer(make, model, processor, memory, tag))

get(tag) {
return this.computers.get(tag)

getCount() {
return this.computers.size

const computers = new ComputerCollection()

computers.add('Dell', 'Studio XPS', 'Intel', '5G', 'Y755P')
computers.add('Dell', 'Studio XPS', 'Intel', '6G', 'X997T')
computers.add('Dell', 'Studio XPS', 'Intel', '2G', 'NT777')
computers.add('Dell', 'Studio XPS', 'Intel', '2G', '0J88A')
computers.add('HP', 'Envy', 'Intel', '4G', 'CNU883701')
computers.add('HP', 'Envy', 'Intel', '2G', 'TXU003283')

console.log(`Computers: ${computers.getCount()}`) // 6.
console.log(`Flyweights: ${FlyweightFactory.getCount()}`) // 2.

Flyweight Pool Pattern

DOM pool:

class ObjectPool<T, P> {
objectFactory: () => T
objectPool: [T]

constructor(objectFactory: () => T) {
this.objectFactory = objectFactory
this.objectPool = []

create(...args: P) {
return objectPool.length === 0 ? objectFactory(args) : objectPool.shift()

recover(obj: T) {

const iframeFactory = new ObjectPool(() => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe')
iframe.onload = function () {
iframe.onload = null
return iframe

const iframe1 = iframeFactory.create()
iframe1.src = 'http://'
const iframe2 = iframeFactory.create()
iframe2.src = 'http://'
setTimeout(() => {
const iframe3 = iframeFactory.create()
iframe3.src = 'http://'
}, 3000)

Proxy Pattern


  • 临时存储原对象方法调用产生的一系列结果 (新建对象), 减少重复对象的产生.
  • 代理对象可以为中间过程透明地增加额外逻辑: 预加载/缓存/合并/验证/转换等.
  • 昂贵的对象创建或任务执行可以延迟到代理对象中执行.
  • 代理类型: 远程/保护/虚拟/缓存代理.
  • 符合开放封闭原则.
Proxy Use Case
  • 远程代理:
    • 代理软件.
    • 防火墙代理.
  • 保护代理:
    • 跨域处理.
    • 路由保护代理.
  • 虚拟代理:
    • 图片预加载.
    • 智能引用代理: C++ smart pointer, Rust RefCell, Linux file descriptor.
    • 写时拷贝代理: 内存页, DLL.
  • 缓存代理:
    • 缓存函数.
    • 缓存服务器: React Query (cache data).

代理模式强调一种关系 (Proxy 与它的实体之间的关系), 这种关系可以静态地表达. 装饰者模式用于一开始不能确定对象的全部功能. 代理模式通常只有一层代理-本体的引用, 装饰者模式经常会形成一条长长的装饰链.

class Percentage {
constructor(percent) {
this.percent = percent

toString() {
return `${this.percent}&`

valueOf() {
return this.percent / 100

const fivePercent = new Percentage(5)
console.log(`5% of 50 is ${50 * fivePercent}`)
function GeoCoder() {
this.getLatLng = function (address) {
if (address === 'Amsterdam')
return '52.3700° N, 4.8900° E'
else if (address === 'London')
return '51.5171° N, 0.1062° W'
else if (address === 'Paris')
return '48.8742° N, 2.3470° E'
else if (address === 'Berlin')
return '52.5233° N, 13.4127° E'
else return ''

function GeoProxy() {
const geocoder = new GeoCoder()
const geocache = {}

return {
getLatLng(address) {
if (!geocache[address])
geocache[address] = geocoder.getLatLng(address)

log.add(`${address}: ${geocache[address]}`)
return geocache[address]
getCount() {
let count = 0

for (const code in geocache) count++

return count

Proxy in Vue:

const original = { name: 'jeff' }

const reactive = new Proxy(original, {
get(target, key) {
console.log('Tracking: ', key)
return target[key]
set(target, key, value) {
console.log('updating UI...')
return Reflect.set(target, key, value)

console.log( // 'Tracking: name' = 'bob' // 'updating UI...'

Chain of Responsibility Pattern

一种将请求在一串对象中传递的方式, 寻找可以处理这个请求的对象:

  • 请求发送者只需知道链中的第一个节点, 从而降低发送者和一组接收者之间的强耦合.
  • 请求发送者可以任意选择第一个节点, 从而减少请求在链中的传递次数.
  • 职责链中的节点数量和顺序可以自由变化.
  • 符合开放封闭原则.
CoR Use Case
  • AOP: Aspect Oriented Programming.
  • Middlewares:
    • Redux.
    • Express/Koa.
    • NestJS.
  • Request handling.
  • Logging and error handling.
  • Event handling: DOM event capture and bubble chian.
  • Authorization and authentication.
  • JavaScript Prototype chain.
  • JavaScript Scope chain.
class Creature {
constructor(name, attack, defense) { = name
this.attack = attack
this.defense = defense

toString() {
return `${} (${this.attack}/${this.defense})`

// Link Node.
class CreatureModifier {
constructor(creature) {
this.creature = creature = null

// Build chains.
add(modifier) {
if (
else = modifier

// Pass objects along to chains.
handle() {
if (

class NoBonusesModifier extends CreatureModifier {
constructor(creature) {

handle() {
console.log('No bonuses for you!')

class DoubleAttackModifier extends CreatureModifier {
constructor(creature) {

handle() {
console.log(`Doubling ${}'s attack`)
this.creature.attack *= 2
super.handle() // Call next();

class IncreaseDefenseModifier extends CreatureModifier {
constructor(creature) {

handle() {
if (this.creature.attack <= 2) {
console.log(`Increasing ${}'s defense`)
super.handle() // Call next();

const peekachu = new Creature('Peekachu', 1, 1)

const root = new CreatureModifier(peekachu)
root.add(new DoubleAttackModifier(peekachu))
root.add(new IncreaseDefenseModifier(peekachu))
// Chain: creatureModifier -> doubleAttackModifier -> increaseDefenseModifier.

import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'

class Koa extends EventEmitter {
constructor() {
this.middlewares = []

use(fn) {

compose(middlewares, ctx) {
const dispatch = (index) => {
// End of chain.
if (index === middlewares.length)
return Promise.resolve()

// `next` function: call next middleware recursively.
const next = () => dispatch(index + 1)

// Call current middleware.
const middleware = middlewares[index]
return Promise.resolve(middleware(ctx, next))

return dispatch(0)

handleRequest(req, res) {
// When ctx.body doesn't change, statusCode contains '404'.
res.statusCode = 404

// Create context proxy for `req` and `res` operations.
const ctx = this.createContext(req, res)

// Middleware (open api for Koa users).
const fn = this.compose(this.middlewares, ctx)

fn.then(() => {
if (typeof ctx.body === 'object' && ctx.body !== null) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=utf8')
} else if (ctx.body instanceof Stream) {
} else if (typeof ctx.body === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(ctx.body)) {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/htmlCharset=utf8')
} else {
res.end('Not Found')
}).catch((err) => {
this.emit('error', err)
res.statusCode = 500
res.end('Internal Server Error')

listen(...args) {
const server = http.createServer(this.handleRequest.bind(this))

const app = new Koa()

app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
await next()

app.use(async (ctx, next) => {

const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)

await p.then()
await next()
ctx.body = 'Hello Koa'

app.listen(2323, () => {
console.log('Koa server are listening to http://localhost:2323 ...')

Command Pattern


  • 解耦命令: 不清楚请求具体操作.
  • 解耦接收者: 不清楚请求的接收者 (多个对象中的某个随机对象).

此时希望用一种松耦合的方式来设计程序, 使得请求发送者和请求接收者能够消除彼此的耦合关系:

  • 将方法/动作封装成对象, 使得外部通过唯一方法 execute()/run() 调用内部方法/动作.
  • 解耦三者: 客户创建命令, 调用者执行该命令, 接收者在命令执行时执行相应操作.
    • 客户通常被包装为一个命令对象.
    • 调用者接过命令并将其保存下来, 它会在某个时候调用该命令对象的 Command.execute() 方法.
    • 调用者调用 Command.execute() 后, 最终将调用接收者方法 Receiver.action().
Command Use Case
  • Decouple Executor and Receiver.
  • GUI applications: bind Command to UI components.
  • Command sequences (store commands + Composite pattern) for batch processing: Macro/Batch/Undo/Redo feature.
  • Command queue (cache commands + Observer pattern) for transaction management: Redis/RabbitMQ/Kafka.

在 JS 中, Closure + Callback (Higher Order Function) 可以实现隐式的命令模式:

  • Closure 捕获 Receiver (面向对象语言中, Command 对象需要持有 Receiver 对象).
  • Callback 函数实现具体逻辑 (面向对象语言中, 需要将其封装进 Command.execute() 对象方法).
// Higher order function
const Command = receiver => () => receiver.action()

Bind Command to UI components:

  • Executor: UI components.
  • Client and Receiver: background tasks or other UI components.
  • Executor -> Client Command.execute() -> Receiver.action(): e.g click button -> refresh menu.
// Executor
class Button {
commands = new Set()

add(command) {

click() {
for (const command of this.commands) command.execute()

// Client: command object, `action` implemented
class Command {
constructor(receiver) {
this.receiver = receiver

execute() {

// Receiver
class MenuBar {
action() {

refresh() {
console.log('refresh menu pages')

const button = new Button()
const menuBar = new MenuBar()
const refreshMenuBarCommand = new Command(menuBar)

class MenuCommand {
constructor(action) {
this.action = action

execute() {

// --------------
const appMenuBar = new MenuBar()

// --------------
const fileActions = new FileActions()
const EditActions = new EditActions()
const InsertActions = new InsertActions()
const HelpActions = new HelpActions()

// --------------
const openCommand = new MenuCommand(
const closeCommand = new MenuCommand(fileActions.close)
const saveCommand = new MenuCommand(
const saveAsCommand = new MenuCommand(fileActions.saveAs)
const fileMenu = new Menu('File')
fileMenu.add(new MenuItem('open', openCommand))
fileMenu.add(new MenuItem('Close', closeCommand))
fileMenu.add(new MenuItem('Save', saveCommand))
fileMenu.add(new MenuItem('Close', saveAsCommand))

// --------------
const cutCommand = new MenuCommand(EditActions.cut)
const copyCommand = new MenuCommand(EditActions.copy)
const pasteCommand = new MenuCommand(EditActions.paste)
const deleteCommand = new MenuCommand(EditActions.delete)
const editMenu = new Menu('Edit')
editMenu.add(new MenuItem('Cut', cutCommand))
editMenu.add(new MenuItem('Copy', copyCommand))
editMenu.add(new MenuItem('Paste', pasteCommand))
editMenu.add(new MenuItem('Delete', deleteCommand))

// --------------
const textBlockCommand = new MenuCommand(InsertActions.textBlock)
const insertMenu = new Menu('Insert')
insertMenu.add(new MenuItem('Text Block', textBlockCommand))

// --------------
const showHelpCommand = new MenuCommand(HelpActions.showHelp())
const helpMenu = new Menu('Help')
helpMenu.add(new MenuItem('Show Help', showHelpCommand))

// --------------

Command sequences to implement Macro/Batch/Undo/Redo feature:

class Cursor {
constructor(width, height, parent) {
this.commandStack = []
this.width = width
this.height = height

this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
this.canvas.width = this.width
this.canvas.height = this.height

this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d')
this.ctx.fillStyle = '#CCC000'
this.move(0, 0)

move(x, y) {
this.commandStack.push(() => {
// `this` point to `Cursor`.
this.lineTo(x, y)

lineTo(x, y) {
this.position.x += x
this.position.y += y
this.ctx.lineTo(this.position.x, this.position.y)

executeCommands() {
this.position = { x: this.width / 2, y: this.height / 2 }
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height)
this.ctx.moveTo(this.position.x, this.position.y)

for (let i = 0; i < this.commandStack.length; i++) this.commandStack[i]()


undo() {

Iterator Pattern

一个 Iterator 对象封装访问和遍历一个聚集对象中的各个构件的方法:

  • 任何实现 Iterable 接口的数据结构都可以被实现 Iterator 接口的结构消费 (Consume).
  • 迭代器 (Iterator) 是按需创建的一次性对象. 每个迭代器都会关联一个可迭代对象, 而迭代器会暴露迭代其关联可迭代对象的 API.
  • 迭代器无须了解与其关联的可迭代对象的内部结构, 只需要知道如何取得连续的值.
  • 无需暴露聚集对象的内部表示, 符合开放封闭原则.
  • 实现统一遍历接口, 抽离遍历逻辑与业务逻辑, 符合单一职责原则.
Iterator Use Case
  • Collection data structure.
  • 遍历对象:
    • 顺序迭代器.
    • 逆序迭代器.
    • 可中止迭代器.
  • Generator.
class Stuff {
constructor() {
this.a = 11
this.b = 22

[Symbol.iterator]() {
// eslint-disable-next-line ts/no-this-alias
const self = this
let i = 0

return {
next() {
return {
done: i > 1,
value: self[i++ === 0 ? 'a' : 'b'],

get backwards() {
// eslint-disable-next-line ts/no-this-alias
const self = this
let i = 0

return {
next() {
return {
done: i > 1,
value: self[i++ === 0 ? 'b' : 'a'],
// Make iterator iterable
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this

const stuff = new Stuff()
for (const item of stuff) console.log(`${item}`)
for (const item of stuff.backwards) console.log(`${item}`)

Implement polyfill with iterator:

function activeXUploader() {
try {
return new ActiveXObject('ActiveX.Upload') // IE 上传控件.
} catch (e) {
return false

function flashUploader() {
if (supportFlash()) {
const str = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></object>'
return $(str).appendTo($('body'))

return false

function formUploader() {
const str = '<input name="file" type="file" class="ui-file"/>' // 表单上传控件.
return $(str).appendTo($('body'))

function upload(...uploaderList) {
for (const uploader of uploaderList) {
const uploadResult = uploader()
if (uploadResult !== false)
return uploadResult

const result = upload([activeXUploader, flashUploader, formUploader])
const result = upload([activeXUploader, flashUploader])
const result = upload([activeXUploader, formUploader])
const result = upload([flashUploader, formUploader])

Mediator Pattern

一个 Mediator 对象封装对象间的协议 (中央集权的控制中心):

  • Defines an object that encapsulates how a set of objects interact.
  • 所有观察者共享一个共有的被观察者 (所有订阅者订阅同一个节点).
  • 解除对象间的强耦合关系 (最少知识原则), 独立地改变对象间的交互方式.
  • 网状的多对多关系 => 相对简单的一对多关系.
  • 存在单点故障 (Single Point of Failure) 可能, 需要容灾备份.
Mediator Use Case
  • 聊天室.
  • 交通系统.
  • 指挥中心.
  • 游戏服务器.
  • DOM event bubbling and delegation: document serves as a Mediator.
  • Global state store: A action => store => B change.
class Person {
constructor(name) { = name
this.chatLog = []

receive(sender, message) {
const s = `${sender}: '${message}'`
console.log(`[${}'s chat session] ${s}`)

say(message) {, message)

pm(who, message) {, who, message)

class ChatRoom {
constructor() {
this.people = []

broadcast(source, message) {
for (const p of this.people) {
if ( !== source)
p.receive(source, message)

join(p) {
const joinMsg = `${} joins the chat`
this.broadcast('room', joinMsg) = this

message(source, destination, message) {
for (const p of this.people) {
if ( === destination)
p.receive(source, message)

const room = new ChatRoom()
const zee = new Person('Zee')
const shan = new Person('Shan')


const doe = new Person('Doe')
doe.say('Hello everyone!')

Observer Pattern

  • 被观察者 (Subject) 维护一组观察者列表, 每当被观察者状态改变时, 调用 notify 函数, 此函数遍历调用观察者 (Observer) 的 update 函数 (自定义逻辑).
  • Decouple Subject and Observer: each depends on Abstraction not Implementation.
  • 摆脱持续轮询模式, 在合适时机发布消息.
Observer Use Case
  • Decouple.
  • 跨层级通信.
  • Message channel.
  • 异步编程.
  • Event handling.
class ObserverList {
constructor() {
this.observerList = []

add(obj) {
return this.observerList.push(obj)

count() {
return this.observerList.length

get(index) {
if (index > -1 && index < this.observerList.length)
return this.observerList[index]

indexOf(obj, startIndex) {
let i = startIndex

while (i < this.observerList.length) {
if (this.observerList[i] === obj)
return i


return -1

removeAt(index) {
this.observerList.splice(index, 1)

class Subject {
constructor() {
this.observers = new ObserverList()

addObserver(observer) {

removeObserver(observer) {
this.observers.removeAt(this.observers.indexOf(observer, 0))

notify(context) {
const observerCount = this.observers.count()

for (let i = 0; i < observerCount; i++)

class Observer {
update(context) {}

Pub-Sub Pattern

  • 发布-订阅模式是借助第三方来实现调度, 发布者和订阅者之间互不感知.
  • 观察者模式中主体和观察者是互相感知.
  • 符合开放封闭原则.
  • 存在依赖追踪困难可能, 导致调试困难.
Pub-Sub Use Case
  • Event listener and handler.
  • Event Bus in Vue.
  • Event Emitter in Node.
  • 异步编程.

Pub-Sub Pattern Implementation

class PubSub {
constructor() {
// Broadcast channel
this.topics = {}
// Topic identifier
this.subUid = -1

publish(topic, args) {
if (!this.topics[topic])
return false

const subscribers = this.topics[topic]
let len = subscribers ? subscribers.length : 0

while (len--) subscribers[len].func(topic, args)

return this

subscribe(topic, func) {
if (!this.topics[topic])
this.topics[topic] = []

const token = (++this.subUid).toString()
return token

unsubscribe(token) {
for (const m in this.topics) {
if (this.topics[m]) {
for (let i = 0, j = this.topics[m].length; i < j; i++) {
if (this.topics[m][i].token === token) {
this.topics[m].splice(i, 1)
return token

return this

const pubsub = new PubSub()
const token = pubsub.subscribe('/addFavorite', (topic, args) => {
console.log('test', topic, args)
pubsub.publish('/addFavorite', ['test'])

Pub-Sub Pattern Usage

jQuery event system:

// Equivalent to subscribe(topicName, callback)
$(document).on('topicName', () => {
// ..perform some behavior

// Equivalent to publish(topicName)

// Equivalent to unsubscribe(topicName)

Event emitter:

class MicroEvent {
bind(event, callback) {
this._events = this._events || {}
this._events[event] = this._events[event] || []

unbind(event, callback) {
this._events = this._events || {}

if (event in this._events === false)

this._events[event].splice(this._events[event].indexOf(callback), 1)

trigger(event, ...args) {
this._events = this._events || {}

if (event in this._events === false)

for (let i = 0; i < this._events[event].length; i++)
this._events[event][i].apply(this, args)

AJAX callback:

  • 当请求返回, 并且实际的数据可用的时候, 会生成一个通知.
  • 如何使用这些事件(或者返回的数据), 都是由订阅者自己决定的.
  • 可以有多个不同的订阅者, 以不同的方式使用返回的数据.
  • AJAX 层: 唯一的责任 - 请求和返回数据, 接着将数据发送给所有想要使用数据的地方.
;(function ($) {
// Pre-compile template and "cache" it using closure
const resultTemplate = _.template($('#resultTemplate').html())

// Subscribe to the new search tags topic
$.subscribe('/search/tags', (tags) => {
$('#searchResults').html(`Searched for: ${tags}`)

// Subscribe to the new results topic
$.subscribe('/search/resultSet', (results) => {

// Submit a search query and publish tags on the /search/tags topic
$('#flickrSearch').submit(function (e) {
const tags = $(this).find('#query').val()

if (!tags)

$.publish('/search/tags', [$.trim(tags)])

// Subscribe to new tags being published and perform
// a search query using them. Once data has returned
// publish this data for the rest of the application
// to consume

$.subscribe('/search/tags', (tags) => {
// Ajax Request
tagMode: 'any',
format: 'json',

(data) => {
if (!data.items.length)

$.publish('/search/resultSet', data.items)

State Pattern

一个 State 对象封装一个与状态相关的行为, 运用有限状态机 (Finite State Machines) 根据 Object State 改变 Object Behavior, object set state as its member, state set object as its method parameter:

  • 每一种状态和它对应的行为之间的关系局部化:
    • 状态具体行为封装在状态类中, 便于阅读和管理代码.
    • 状态切换规则分布在状态类中, 有效地消除了大量条件分支语句.
  • 符合开放封闭原则.
State Use Case
  • Networking protocol stack.
  • Game player logic.
  • Workflow management.
  • Finite state machines.
class Switch {
constructor() {
this.state = new OffState()

on() {

off() {

class State {
constructor() {
if (this.constructor === State)
throw new Error('abstract!')

on(sw) {
console.log('Light is already on.')

off(sw) {
console.log('Light is already off.')

class OnState extends State {
constructor() {
console.log('Light turned on.')

off(sw) {
console.log('Turning light off...')
sw.state = new OffState()

class OffState extends State {
constructor() {
console.log('Light turned off.')

on(sw) {
console.log('Turning light on...')
sw.state = new OnState()

const button = new Switch()

Strategy Pattern

  • 改变对象的内核/算法, 一个 Strategy 对象封装一个算法, 相互可以替换.
  • 利用组合 + 委托 + 多态, 避免复杂的分支语句.
  • 将单个策略进行抽象封装:
    • 解耦.
    • 复用.
  • JS 中, 函数作为参数与返回值时, 可以实现隐式的策略模式: 函数作为第一公民, 无需将 Strategy 封装成策略对象, 可以直接传递或返回策略函数.
Strategy Use Case
  • 表单验证 (Validator).
  • 动画策略.
  • 存在大量 if-else 场景.
  • 重构代码.
  • Algorithm selection.
  • Testing and mocking.

Change strategy:

const OutputFormat = Object.freeze({
markdown: 0,
html: 1,

class ListStrategy {
start(buffer) {}
end(buffer) {}
addListItem(buffer, item) {}

class MarkdownListStrategy extends ListStrategy {
addListItem(buffer, item) {
buffer.push(` * ${item}`)

class HtmlListStrategy extends ListStrategy {
start(buffer) {

end(buffer) {

addListItem(buffer, item) {
buffer.push(` <li>${item}</li>`)

class TextProcessor {
constructor(outputFormat) {
this.buffer = []

setOutputFormat(format) {
switch (format) {
case OutputFormat.markdown:
this.listStrategy = new MarkdownListStrategy()
case OutputFormat.html:
this.listStrategy = new HtmlListStrategy()
throw new Error('Unsupported output format!')

appendList(items) {
for (const item of items) this.listStrategy.addListItem(this.buffer, item)

clear() {
this.buffer = []

toString() {
return this.buffer.join('\n')

const tp = new TextProcessor()
tp.appendList(['one', 'two', 'three'])

tp.appendList(['one', 'two', 'three'])

Remove if-else statements:

// 违反开放封闭原则
function activity(type, price) {
if (type === 'pre')
return price * 0.95
else if (type === 'onSale')
return price * 0.9
else if (type === 'back')
return price * 0.85
else if (type === 'limit')
return price * 0.8

// 利用 Strategy Pattern 进行重构
const activity = new Map([
['pre', price => price * 0.95],
['onSale', price => price * 0.9],
['back', price => price * 0.85],
['limit', price => price * 0.8],

const getActivityPrice = (type, price) => activity.get(type)(price)

// 新增新手活动
activity.set('newcomer', price => price * 0.7)
module.exports = (function () {
const manager = {}

// command to be encapsulated
manager.isNull = function (nu) {
return toString.apply(nu) === '[object Null]'
manager.isArray = function (arr) {
return toString.apply(arr) === '[object Array]'
manager.isString = function (str) {
return toString.apply(str) === '[object String]'

// public api
function execute(command, ...args) {
return manager[command] && manager[command](...args)

function run(command) {
return manager[command] && manager[command]()

return {

Form validator:

const errorMsg = rules[rule](element, limits)

Template Method Pattern

  • Abstract superclass defines the skeleton of an operation in terms of a number of high-level steps.
  • 通过封装变化提高系统扩展性.
  • 符合开放封闭原则.
  • 在 JS 中, 高阶函数可以隐式地实现模板方法模式.
Template Method Use Case
  • APIs and SDKs.
  • Plugins and Extensions: VSCode extension, Vue plugin.
  • Hooks and Callbacks: React/Vue lifecycles, Webpack hooks.
  • Software Architecture.
class Game {
constructor(numberOfPlayers) {
this.numberOfPlayers = numberOfPlayers
this.currentPlayer = 0

run() {
while (!this.haveWinner) this.takeTurn()

console.log(`Player ${this.winningPlayer} wins.`)

start() {
throw new Error('Unimplemented `start` method!')

takeTurn() {
throw new Error('Unimplemented `takeTurn` method!')

get haveWinner() {
return this.haveWinner

get winningPlayer() {
return this.winningPlayer

class Chess extends Game {
constructor() {
this.maxTurns = 10
this.turn = 1

start() {
`Starting a game of chess with ${this.numberOfPlayers} players.`

get haveWinner() {
return this.turn === this.maxTurns

takeTurn() {
console.log(`Turn ${this.turn++} taken by player ${this.currentPlayer}.`)
this.currentPlayer = (this.currentPlayer + 1) % this.numberOfPlayers

get winningPlayer() {
return this.currentPlayer

const chess = new Chess()

Visitor Pattern

Separating an algorithm from an object structure on which it operates.

Visitor Use Case
  • Data structures: e.g Tree, Graph.
  • Document processing: e.g DOM tree, reporting and analysis.
  • Compiler: e.g abstract syntax tree.
class NumberExpression {
constructor(value) {
this.value = value

print(buffer) {

class AdditionExpression {
constructor(left, right) {
this.left = left
this.right = right

print(buffer) {

const e = new AdditionExpression(
new NumberExpression(5),
new AdditionExpression(new NumberExpression(1), new NumberExpression(9))
const buffer = []

IoC and DI Pattern

  • IoC (Inversion of Control) 控制反转模式: 将组件间的依赖关系从程序内部提到外部来管理.
  • DI (Dependency Injection) 依赖注入模式: 将组件的依赖通过外部以参数或其他形式注入.

A 依赖 B, 若在 A 中实例化 B, 则会形成 A 与 B 间的高度耦合, 使得 A 可测试性与可维护性变差.

将 A 对 B 的控制权抽离出来, 把控制权反转给第三方 (IoC Container), 实现控制反转 (IoC).

IoC Container 将 B 实例化后, 通过构造函数/接口方法/设置属性/工厂模式等方法注入 A 中, 实现依赖注入 (DI).

Inversion of Control

class Component {
// 构造函数注入.
constructor(dep) {
this.dep = dep

// 接口方法注入.
run(context, options = {}) {
const dep1 = context.getDep1()
const dep2 = context.getDep2()

// 设置属性注入.
getDep(dep) {
this.dep = dep

// 工厂模式注入.
static createComponent(dep) {
return new Component(dep)

action() {

// IoC.
const s1 = new Service('s1')
const s2 = Container.getService('s2')
const s3 = Context.getDep('s3')
const s4 = Context.getInstance()

// DI.
const c1 = new Component(s1)
c1.action() // s1 run.
c1.action() // s2 run.
const c2 = Component.createComponent(s3)
c2.action() // s3 run. // s4 run.

Depends on Abstraction

interface Database {
query: () => void

class DbMysql extends Database {
public query() {
console.log('Querying by MySQL')

class Controller {
private db: Database

public constructor(db: Database) {
this.db = db

public action() {

const db = new DbMysql()
const c = new Controller(db)

Injection Container

import type { IProvider } from './providers'
import * as React from 'react'

class Injector {
private static container = new Map<string, any>()

static resolve<T>(target: Type<T>): T {
if (Injector.container.has(
return Injector.container.get(

const tokens = Reflect.getMetadata('design:types', target) || []
const injections = Type<any>): any =>
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
const instance = new target(...injections)
Injector.container.set(, instance)
return instance

export interface IProvider<T> {
provide: () => T

export class NameProvider implements IProvider<string> {
provide() {
return 'World'

export class Hello extends React.Component {
private readonly nameProvider: IProvider<string>

render() {
return (

Mixin Pattern

将多个对象的属性混入同一个对象, 达到继承/扩展/组合的效果. React and Vue drop Mixin:

  • Prototype pollution
  • Dependency uncertainty.

Prototype Mixin Pattern

// Extend an existing object with a method from another
function mixin(...args) {
const receivingClass = args[0]
const givingClass = args[1]

// Mixin provide certain methods
if (args[2]) {
for (let i = 2, len = args.length; i < len; i++)
receivingClass.prototype[args[i]] = givingClass.prototype[args[i]]
} else {
// Mixin provide obj
for (const methodName in givingClass.prototype) {
if (!receivingClass.prototype[methodName])
receivingClass.prototype[methodName] = givingClass.prototype[methodName]

Class Mixin Pattern

function MoveMixin(superclass) {
return class extends superclass {
moveUp() {
console.log('move up')

moveDown() {
console.log('move down')

stop() {
console.log('stop! in the name of love!')

class CarAnimator {
moveLeft() {
console.log('move left')

class PersonAnimator {
moveRandomly() {
console.log('move randomly')

class Animator extends MoveMixin(CarAnimator) {}

const animator = new Animator()
// Outputs:
// move left
// move down
// stop! in the name of love!
// 所有 mixins 都需要:
type Constructor<T = NonNullable<unknown>> = new (...args: any[]) => T

// mixins 例子

// 添加属性的混合例子
function TimesTamped<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase) {
return class extends Base {
timestamp =

// 添加属性和方法的混合例子
function ActiveTable<TBase extends Constructor>(Base: TBase) {
return class extends Base {
isActivated = false

activate() {
this.isActivated = true

deactivate() {
this.isActivated = false

// 组合类

// 简答的类
class User {
name = ''

// 添加 TimesTamped 的 User
const TimestampedUser = TimesTamped(User)

// Tina TimesTamped 和 ActiveTable 的类
const TimestampedActiveTableUser = TimesTamped(ActiveTable(User))

// 使用组合类

const timestampedUserExample = new TimestampedUser()

const timestampedActiveTableUserExample = new TimestampedActiveTableUser()