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React Advanced Notes

React Core Packages

  • Scheduler 调度器: 调度任务的优先级, 高优任务优先进入 Reconciler.
  • Reconciler 协调器:
    • 装载 Renderer.
    • 接收 ReactDOMReact 模块 (用户代码) 发起的更新请求:
      • ReactFiberReconciler.updateContainer.
      • ReactFiberClassComponent.setState.
      • ReactFiberHooks.dispatchAction.
    • 找出变化组件, 构建 Fiber Tree.
  • Renderer 渲染器:
    • 引导 React 应用启动 (e.g ReactDOM.createRoot(rootNode).render(<App />)).
    • 实现 HostConfig 协议, 将变化的组件渲染到页面上.

其中 Reconciler 构建 Fiber Tree 的过程被包装成一个回调函数, 传入 Scheduler 模块等待调度. Scheduler 将回调函数进一步包装成任务对象, 放入多优先级调度的任务队列, 循环消费任务队列, 直至队列清空. Scheduler Work Loop (任务调度循环) 负责调度 Task, Reconciler Work Loop (Fiber 构造循环) 负责实现 Task.

React runtime main logic:

  • Updates: Add/Delete/Mutation updates from User Code.
  • Registration:
    • Reconciler receive updates request from User Code.
    • Scheduler register new Task.
  • Execution:
    • Scheduler consume Task in TaskQueue in work loop.
    • Reconciler execute Task work.
      • Fiber 构造循环: construct Fiber tree.
      • commitRoot: render Fiber tree with Renderer.
  • 任务调度循环与 Fiber 构造循环相互配合可实现可中断渲染:
    • 渲染中断 (Reconciler.renderRootConcurrent().shouldYield()):
      • 存在更高优先级任务 (Priority Scheduling).
      • 当前帧没有剩余时间 (Time Slicing).
    • 渲染恢复 (Scheduler.workLoop()): 将 callback() 返回的任务放入任务队列, 继续进行调度直至清空任务队列.

React Core Packages

React Virtual DOM

  • Reduce rendering times with reconciliation algorithm, improving rendering efficiency: Declarative UI performance = Diff performance + DOM performance, Virtual DOM 主要是为了最小化 Diff 性能消耗.
  • Cross platform code.
  • Functional programming without details on DOM manipulation.
  • Virtual DOM 很多时候都不是最优的操作, 但它具有普适性, 在效率与可维护性之间达到平衡.
  • SnabbDOM: virtual DOM library focus on modularity and performance.

React Core Workflow

React Core Workflow

Create RootContainer

Legacy Root

Concurrent Root

Update RootContainer

// Legacy Mode
import type { ReactElement } from 'react'
import type { Container } from './types'
import Reconciler from './reconciler'

const Renderer = {
render: (
element: ReactElement,
container: Container | null,
callback?: Function
): void => {
if (container) {
const root = Reconciler.createContainer(container, 0, false, null)
Reconciler.updateContainer(element, root, null)

export default Renderer
// Modern Mode
import type { ReactElement } from 'react'
import type { Container, OpaqueRoot } from './types'
import Reconciler from './reconciler'

const Renderer = {
createRoot: (
container: Container | null,
callback?: Function
): OpaqueRoot => {
if (container) {
const root = Reconciler.createContainer(container, 0, false, null)

root.render = function (element: ReactElement) {
Reconciler.updateContainer(element, this, null)

return root

export default Renderer

ReactComponent SetState

ClassComponent Update

FunctionComponent Update

React Scheduler

Work loop in scheduler focus on Task Scheduling, not only including Reconciler.performSyncWorkOnRoot/Reconciler.performConcurrentWorkOnRoot, but also for non-react tasks (meaning Scheduler module can work standalone without React).

Scheduler Priority

React 16, unstable concurrent mode with Priorities:

  • ImmediatePriority: 立即执行优先级, 级别最高, expirationTime = -1.
  • UserBlockingPriority: 用户阻塞优先级, expirationTime = 250.
  • NormalPriority: 正常优先级, expirationTime = 5000.
  • LowPriority: 低优先级, expirationTime = 10000.
  • IdlePriority: 可闲置优先级, expirationTime = maxSigned31BitInt.

React 17, stable concurrent mode with Lanes:

export type Lanes = number
export type Lane = number

export const TotalLanes = 31

export const NoLanes: Lanes = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000000
export const NoLane: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000000

export const SyncLane: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000001

export const InputContinuousHydrationLane: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000010
export const InputContinuousLane: Lanes = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000000000100

export const DefaultHydrationLane: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000000001000
export const DefaultLane: Lanes = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000000010000

const TransitionHydrationLane: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000000100000
const TransitionLanes: Lanes = /* */ 0b0000000001111111111111111000000
const TransitionLane1: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000001000000
const TransitionLane2: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000010000000
const TransitionLane3: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000000100000000
const TransitionLane4: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000001000000000
const TransitionLane5: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000010000000000
const TransitionLane6: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000000100000000000
const TransitionLane7: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000001000000000000
const TransitionLane8: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000010000000000000
const TransitionLane9: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000000100000000000000
const TransitionLane10: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000001000000000000000
const TransitionLane11: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000010000000000000000
const TransitionLane12: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000000100000000000000000
const TransitionLane13: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000001000000000000000000
const TransitionLane14: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000010000000000000000000
const TransitionLane15: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000000100000000000000000000
const TransitionLane16: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000001000000000000000000000

const RetryLanes: Lanes = /* */ 0b0000111110000000000000000000000
const RetryLane1: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000010000000000000000000000
const RetryLane2: Lane = /* */ 0b0000000100000000000000000000000
const RetryLane3: Lane = /* */ 0b0000001000000000000000000000000
const RetryLane4: Lane = /* */ 0b0000010000000000000000000000000
const RetryLane5: Lane = /* */ 0b0000100000000000000000000000000

export const SomeRetryLane: Lane = RetryLane1

export const SelectiveHydrationLane: Lane = /* */ 0b0001000000000000000000000000000

const NonIdleLanes = /* */ 0b0001111111111111111111111111111

export const IdleHydrationLane: Lane = /* */ 0b0010000000000000000000000000000
export const IdleLane: Lanes = /* */ 0b0100000000000000000000000000000

export const OffscreenLane: Lane = /* */ 0b1000000000000000000000000000000

Scheduler Workflow

Scheduler main workflow:

scheduleCallback(callback) -> push(queue, newTask) (Wrap callback into task) (For delayed task -> requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, delayTime)) -> requestHostCallback(flushWork) -> messageChannelPort.postMessage(null) -> performWorkUntilDeadline() -> flushWork(hasTimeRemaining, currentTime): -> workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, currentTime):

将 Reconciler 的工作 (Callback) 包装成 Task 组成 Task Queue, 按照时间分片机制, 不断地消费 Task Queue.

对于延时任务 (Delayed Task), 会将其先放入 Timer Queue, 等待延时完成后再将其放入 Task Queue.

Scheduler Time Slicing

// 时间切片周期, 默认是 5ms.
// 如果一个 task 运行超过该周期, 下一个 task 执行前, 会把控制权归还浏览器.
const yieldInterval = 5
const maxYieldInterval = 300

let deadline = 0 // currentTime + yieldInterval.
let needsPaint = false
let isMessageLoopRunning = false
let scheduledHostCallback = null

const channel = new MessageChannel()
const port = channel.port2
channel.port1.onmessage = performWorkUntilDeadline

const scheduling = navigator.scheduling
const getCurrentTime =

// 请求回调:
function requestHostCallback(callback) {
// 1. 保存 callback.
scheduledHostCallback = callback

if (!isMessageLoopRunning) {
isMessageLoopRunning = true
// 2. 通过 MessageChannel 发送消息.

// 取消回调:
function cancelHostCallback() {
scheduledHostCallback = null

function requestHostTimeout(callback, ms) {
taskTimeoutID = setTimeout(() => {
}, ms)

function cancelHostTimeout() {
taskTimeoutID = -1

// 是否让出主线程 (time slice):
function shouldYieldToHost() {
const currentTime = getCurrentTime()

if (currentTime >= deadline) {
if (needsPaint || scheduling.isInputPending()) {
// There is either a pending paint or a pending input.
return true

// There's no pending input.
// Only yield if we've reached the max yield interval.
return currentTime >= maxYieldInterval
} else {
// There's still time left in the frame.
return false

// 请求绘制:
function requestPaint() {
needsPaint = true

// 实际回调函数处理:
function performWorkUntilDeadline() {
if (scheduledHostCallback !== null) {
// 1. 设置 currentTime 与 deadline.
const currentTime = getCurrentTime()
deadline = currentTime + yieldInterval
const hasTimeRemaining = true

try {
// 2. 执行回调, 返回是否有还有剩余任务.
const hasMoreWork = scheduledHostCallback(hasTimeRemaining, currentTime)

if (!hasMoreWork) {
// 没有剩余任务, 退出.
isMessageLoopRunning = false
scheduledHostCallback = null
} else {
port.postMessage(null) // 有剩余任务, 发起新的调度.
} catch (error) {
port.postMessage(null) // 如有异常, 重新发起调度.
throw error
} else {
isMessageLoopRunning = false

needsPaint = false // Reset.

Scheduler Task Queue

Task queue is MinHeap, storing Tasks.

const newTask = {
id: taskIdCounter++,
callback, // Work from reconciler.
sortIndex: -1, // MinHeap queue indexing.
function scheduleCallback(priorityLevel, callback, options) {
const currentTime = getCurrentTime()
const startTime = currentTime
const expirationTime = startTime + timeout[priorityLevel] // -1/250/5000/10000/MAX_INT.
const newTask = {
id: taskIdCounter++,
sortIndex: -1,

if (startTime > currentTime) {
// Delayed task.
newTask.sortIndex = startTime
push(timerQueue, newTask)

// All tasks are delayed, and this is the task with the earliest delay.
if (peek(taskQueue) === null && newTask === peek(timerQueue)) {
if (isHostTimeoutScheduled) {
// Cancel an existing timeout.
} else {
isHostTimeoutScheduled = true

// Schedule a timeout.
requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, startTime - currentTime)
} else {
// Normal task.
newTask.sortIndex = expirationTime
push(taskQueue, newTask)

if (!isHostCallbackScheduled && !isPerformingWork) {
isHostCallbackScheduled = true

return newTask

function handleTimeout(currentTime) {
isHostTimeoutScheduled = false

if (!isHostCallbackScheduled) {
if (peek(taskQueue) !== null) {
isHostCallbackScheduled = true
} else {
const firstTimer = peek(timerQueue)

if (firstTimer !== null)
requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, firstTimer.startTime - currentTime)

Scheduler Work Loop

callback() 返回函数时, 表明产生连续回调 (e.g 出现更高优先任务/时间分片用完, 渲染中断), 需将返回的函数再次放入任务队列, 继续进行调度直至清空任务队列 (渲染恢复).

function flushWork(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime) {
// We'll need a host callback the next time work is scheduled.
isHostCallbackScheduled = false

if (isHostTimeoutScheduled) {
// We scheduled a timeout but it's no longer needed. Cancel it.
isHostTimeoutScheduled = false

isPerformingWork = true // Lock.
const previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel

try {
return workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime)
} finally {
// Restore context.
currentTask = null
currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel
isPerformingWork = false

function workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime) {
let currentTime = initialTime
currentTask = peek(taskQueue)

while (currentTask !== null) {
if (
currentTask.expirationTime > currentTime
&& (!hasTimeRemaining || shouldYieldToHost())
) {
// This currentTask hasn't expired, and we've reached the deadline.

const callback = currentTask.callback

if (typeof callback === 'function') {
currentTask.callback = null
currentPriorityLevel = currentTask.priorityLevel
const didUserCallbackTimeout = currentTask.expirationTime <= currentTime
const continuationCallback = callback(didUserCallbackTimeout)
currentTime = getCurrentTime()

if (typeof continuationCallback === 'function') {
// 产生了连续回调 (如 Fiber树太大, 出现了中断渲染), 保留 currentTask.
currentTask.callback = continuationCallback
} else {
if (currentTask === peek(taskQueue))

} else {
// 如果任务被取消 (currentTask.callback = null), 将其移出队列.

currentTask = peek(taskQueue)

// Return whether there's additional work.
if (currentTask !== null) {
return true
} else {
const firstTimer = peek(timerQueue)

// 存在延时任务, 继续进行调度.
if (firstTimer !== null)
requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, firstTimer.startTime - currentTime)

return false

React Fiber

React Fiber 的目标是提高其在动画、布局和手势等领域的适用性:

  • 它的主要特性是 Incremental Rendering: 将渲染任务拆分为小的任务块并将任务分配到多个帧上的能力.
  • Ability to pause and resume rendering.
  • Ability to prioritize updates.
  • Ability to work on multiple tasks concurrently.

React Fiber Type

Fiber definition:

  • Component type.
  • Current props and state.
  • Pointers to parent, sibling, and child components,
  • Pointer to DOM/class instance.
  • Other internal metadata to track rendering process.
export interface Fiber {
tag: WorkTag
key: string | null
elementType: any
type: any // Tag/Class/Function.
stateNode: any // DOM/class instance.
ref: (((handle: mixed) => void) & { _stringRef: ?string }) | RefObject | null

// Singly Linked List Tree Structure.
return: Fiber | null // DFS parent Fiber node.
child: Fiber | null
sibling: Fiber | null
index: number

// Props and state for output.
pendingProps: any
memoizedProps: any
updateQueue: mixed // Updates from diff(pendingProps, memoizedProps).
memoizedState: any

// Context API.
dependencies: Dependencies | null // (Contexts, Events) dependencies.

mode: TypeOfMode // NoMode/BlockingMode/ConcurrentMode bit.

// Effects.
flags: Flags
subtreeFlags: Flags
deletions: Array<Fiber> | null
nextEffect: Fiber | null // Next effect Fiber node.
firstEffect: Fiber | null // First effect Fiber node.
lastEffect: Fiber | null // Last effect Fiber node.

// Priority.
lanes: Lanes
childLanes: Lanes
alternate: Fiber | null // `current` Fiber and `workInpProgress` Fiber.

// Performance statistics for React DevTool.
actualDuration?: number
actualStartTime?: number
selfBaseDuration?: number
treeBaseDuration?: number

React Fiber Work Tag

常见的 Fiber 类型:

  • HostComponent: HTML native tag.
  • ClassComponent.
  • FunctionComponent.
type WorkTag =
| 'FunctionComponent'
| 'ClassComponent'
| 'IndeterminateComponent'
| 'HostRoot'
| 'HostPortal'
| 'HostComponent'
| 'HostText'
| 'Fragment'
| 'Mode'
| 'ContextConsumer'
| 'ContextProvider'
| 'ForwardRef'
| 'Profiler'
| 'SuspenseComponent'
| 'MemoComponent'
| 'SimpleMemoComponent'
| 'LazyComponent'
| 'IncompleteClassComponent'
| 'DehydratedFragment'
| 'SuspenseListComponent'
| 'FundamentalComponent'
| 'ScopeComponent'
| 'Block'
| 'OffscreenComponent'
| 'LegacyHiddenComponent'

React Fiber Mode

React 运行模式: 所有 Fiber.mode 保持一致 (包括 FiberRoot).

type TypeOfMode = number

const NoMode = /* */ 0b000000
const ConcurrentMode = /* */ 0b000001
const ProfileMode = /* */ 0b000010
const DebugTracingMode = /* */ 0b000100
const StrictLegacyMode = /* */ 0b001000
const StrictEffectsMode = /* */ 0b010000
const ConcurrentUpdatesByDefaultMode = /* */ 0b100000

React Fiber Effects

  • Insert DOM elements: Placement tag.
  • Update DOM elements: Update tag.
  • Delete DOM elements: Deletion tag.
  • Update Ref property: Ref tag.
  • useEffect callback: got Passive tag.
    • useEffect(fn): Mount and Update lifecycle.
    • useEffect(fn, []): Mount lifecycle.
    • useEffect(fn, [deps]): Mount lifecycle and Update lifecycle with deps changed.

React create effects when Render stage, then update effects to real DOM when Commit stage.

常见的 Effect 标志位:

type Flags = number

const NoFlags = /* */ 0b000000000000000000
const PerformedWork = /* */ 0b000000000000000001
const Placement = /* */ 0b000000000000000010
const Update = /* */ 0b000000000000000100
const PlacementAndUpdate = /* */ 0b000000000000000110
const Deletion = /* */ 0b000000000000001000
const ContentReset = /* */ 0b000000000000010000
const Callback = /* */ 0b000000000000100000
const DidCapture = /* */ 0b000000000001000000
const Ref = /* */ 0b000000000010000000
const Snapshot = /* */ 0b000000000100000000
const Passive = /* */ 0b000000001000000000
const PassiveUnmountPendingDev = /* */ 0b000010000000000000
const Hydrating = /* */ 0b000000010000000000
const HydratingAndUpdate = /* */ 0b000000010000000100
const LifecycleEffectMask = /* */ 0b000000001110100100
const HostEffectMask = /* */ 0b000000011111111111
const Incomplete = /* */ 0b000000100000000000
const ShouldCapture = /* */ 0b000001000000000000
const ForceUpdateForLegacySuspense = /* */ 0b000100000000000000
const PassiveStatic = /* */ 0b001000000000000000
const BeforeMutationMask = /* */ 0b000000001100001010
const MutationMask = /* */ 0b000000010010011110
const LayoutMask = /* */ 0b000000000010100100
const PassiveMask = /* */ 0b000000001000001000
const StaticMask = /* */ 0b001000000000000000
const MountLayoutDev = /* */ 0b010000000000000000
const MountPassiveDev = /* */ 0b100000000000000000

React Fiber Lanes

Assign Lane to Update:

  • Legacy 模式: 返回 SyncLane.
  • Blocking 模式: 返回 SyncLane.
  • Concurrent 模式:
    • 正常情况: 根据当前的调度优先级来生成一个 lane.
    • 处于 Suspense 过程中: 会优先选择 TransitionLanes 通道中的空闲通道 (或最高优先级).
export function requestUpdateLane(fiber: Fiber): Lane {
const mode = fiber.mode

if ((mode & BlockingMode) === NoMode) {
// Legacy 模式.
return SyncLane
} else if ((mode & ConcurrentMode) === NoMode) {
// Blocking 模式.
return getCurrentPriorityLevel() === ImmediateSchedulerPriority
? SyncLane
: SyncBatchedLane

// Concurrent 模式.
if (currentEventWipLanes === NoLanes)
currentEventWipLanes = workInProgressRootIncludedLanes

const isTransition = requestCurrentTransition() !== NoTransition

if (isTransition) {
// 特殊情况, 处于 Suspense 过程中.
if (currentEventPendingLanes !== NoLanes) {
= mostRecentlyUpdatedRoot !== null
? mostRecentlyUpdatedRoot.pendingLanes
: NoLanes

return findTransitionLane(currentEventWipLanes, currentEventPendingLanes)

// 正常情况, 获取调度优先级.
let lane
const schedulerPriority = getCurrentPriorityLevel()

if (
(executionContext & DiscreteEventContext) !== NoContext
&& schedulerPriority === UserBlockingSchedulerPriority
) {
// `executionContext` 存在输入事件, 且调度优先级是用户阻塞性质.
lane = findUpdateLane(InputDiscreteLanePriority, currentEventWipLanes)
} else {
// 调度优先级转换为车道模型.
const schedulerLanePriority
= schedulerPriorityToLanePriority(schedulerPriority)
lane = findUpdateLane(schedulerLanePriority, currentEventWipLanes)

return lane

Global renderLanes:

Fiber 树构造过程中 (Render Phase), 若 Fiber 对象或 Update 对象优先级 (fiber.lanes/update.lane) 比全局渲染优先级低, 则将会被忽略 (节点未更新, 可以直接复用).

export function getNextLanes(root: FiberRoot, wipLanes: Lanes): Lanes {
const pendingLanes = root.pendingLanes

if (pendingLanes === NoLanes)
return NoLanes

let nextLanes = NoLanes
const suspendedLanes = root.suspendedLanes
const pingedLanes = root.pingedLanes
const nonIdlePendingLanes = pendingLanes & NonIdleLanes

if (nonIdlePendingLanes !== NoLanes) {
const nonIdleUnblockedLanes = nonIdlePendingLanes & ~suspendedLanes

if (nonIdleUnblockedLanes !== NoLanes) {
nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(nonIdleUnblockedLanes)
} else {
const nonIdlePingedLanes = nonIdlePendingLanes & pingedLanes

if (nonIdlePingedLanes !== NoLanes)
nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(nonIdlePingedLanes)
} else {
const unblockedLanes = pendingLanes & ~suspendedLanes

if (unblockedLanes !== NoLanes) {
nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(unblockedLanes)
} else {
if (pingedLanes !== NoLanes)
nextLanes = getHighestPriorityLanes(pingedLanes)

if (nextLanes === NoLanes)
return NoLanes

if (
wipLanes !== NoLanes
&& wipLanes !== nextLanes
&& (wipLanes & suspendedLanes) === NoLanes
) {
const nextLane = getHighestPriorityLane(nextLanes)
const wipLane = getHighestPriorityLane(wipLanes)

if (
nextLane >= wipLane
|| (nextLane === DefaultLane && (wipLane & TransitionLanes) !== NoLanes)
) {
return wipLanes

if (
&& (root.current.mode & ConcurrentUpdatesByDefaultMode) !== NoMode
) {
// Do nothing, use the lanes as they were assigned.
} else if ((nextLanes & InputContinuousLane) !== NoLanes) {
nextLanes |= pendingLanes & DefaultLane

const entangledLanes = root.entangledLanes

if (entangledLanes !== NoLanes) {
const entanglements = root.entanglements
let lanes = nextLanes & entangledLanes

while (lanes > 0) {
const index = pickArbitraryLaneIndex(lanes)
const lane = 1 << index
nextLanes |= entanglements[index]
lanes &= ~lane

return nextLanes

Lanes model use case:

// task 与 batchTask 的优先级是否重叠:
// 1. expirationTime:
const isTaskIncludedInBatch = priorityOfTask >= priorityOfBatch
// 2. Lanes:
const isTaskIncludedInBatch = (task & batchOfTasks) !== 0

// 当同时处理一组任务, 该组内有多个任务, 且每个任务的优先级不一致:
// 1. expirationTime:
const isTaskIncludedInBatch
= taskPriority <= highestPriorityInRange
&& taskPriority >= lowestPriorityInRange
// 2. Lanes:
const isTaskIncludedInBatch = (task & batchOfTasks) !== 0

// 从 group 中增删 task:
// 1. expirationTime (need list): =

let current = queue
while (task.expirationTime >= current.expirationTime)
current = = = task

const isTaskIncludedInBatch
= taskPriority <= highestPriorityInRange
&& taskPriority >= lowestPriorityInRange

// 2. Lanes:
batchOfTasks &= ~task // Delete task.
batchOfTasks |= task // Add task.
const isTaskIncludedInBatch = (task & batchOfTasks) !== 0

React Fiber Trees

  • current Fiber tree: rendered to screen.
  • workInProgress Fiber tree: under reconciliation.
  • When workInProgress Fiber tree complete render + commit, swap 2 Fiber tree:
    • Reuse Fiber objects.
    • Reduce memory usage and GC time.
  • FiberRoot:
    • FiberRoot.current = currentHostRootFiber.
    • FiberRoot.finishedWork = workInProgressHostRootFiber.
    • currentHostRootFiber.stateNode = FiberRoot.
    • workInProgressHostRootFiber.stateNode = FiberRoot.
    • currentHostRootFiber.alternate = workInProgressHostRootFiber
    • workInProgressHostRootFiber.alternate = currentHostRootFiber
  • ReactElement tree -> Fiber tree -> DOM tree.

React Fiber Trees

React Fiber Work Loop

React Fiber Work Loop

React Reconciler

Reconciler Render Workflow

Reconciler construct Fiber tree:

  • scheduleUpdateOnFiber:
    • 首次 render 直接调用 performWorkOnRoot.
    • 再次 render 需要调用 ensureRootIsScheduled.
  • ensureRootIsScheduled.
  • flushSyncCallbacks.
  • performSyncWorkOnRoot / performConcurrentWorkOnRoot:
    • performConcurrentWorkOnRoot 支持可中断渲染:
      • 此函数首先检查是否处于 render 过程中, 是否需要恢复上一次渲染.
      • 如果本次渲染被中断, 此函数最后返回一个新的 performConcurrentWorkOnRoot 函数, 等待下一次 Scheduler 调度.
  • renderRootSync / renderRootConcurrent:
    • 此函数会调用 prepareFreshStack, 重置 FiberRoot 上的全局属性, 重置 Fiber Work Loop 全局变量.
    • 此函数会设置 workInProgressRoot = FiberRoot, 表示正在进行 render.
    • 此函数退出前, 会重置 workInProgressRoot = null, 表示没有正在进行中的 render.
    • 此函数退出前, 会挂载 FiberRoot.finishedWork = workInProgressHostRootFiber. 此时 HostRootFiber 上挂载了副作用队列, 层级越深子节点副作用越靠前.
  • workLoopSync / workLoopConcurrent: 循环调用 performUnitOfWork, 直到 workInProgress === null 或用完当前时间分片.
  • performUnitOfWork(workInProgress):
    • 存在子节点, beginWorkcompleteUnitOfWork 不在同一次循环里调用: 执行完 beginWork 后, 优先向下遍历, 执行子节点的 beginWorkcompleteUnitOfWork, 在 N 次循环后再向上回溯.
    • 不存在子节点, beginWorkcompleteUnitOfWork 在同一次循环里调用.
    • beginWork 返回 next 节点, 则设置 workInProgress = next 进行 DFS 遍历, 再次调用此函数.
    • beginWork 返回 null 节点, 则调用 completeUnitOfWork 函数完成节点处理.
    • 若存在兄弟节点, completeUnitOfWork 会设置 workInProgress = siblingFiber 进行 DFS 遍历, 再次调用此函数.
    • 若到达子叶节点, completeUnitOfWork 会设置 workInProgress = returnFiber 进行 DFS 回溯, 再次调用此函数.
  • beginWork:
    • 根据 ReactElement 对象创建所有的 Fiber 节点, 最终构造出 Fiber 树形结构 (设置 returnsibling 指针).
    • 调用 updateXXX, 设置 fiber.flags/fiber.stateNode 等状态.
    • 非子叶节点返回子节点, 进行 DFS 遍历; 子叶节点返回 null, 直接进入 completeUnitOfWork 阶段.
  • updateHostRoot/updateXXXComponent:
    • 根据 fiber.pendingProps/fiber.updateQueue 等输入数据状态, 计算 fiber.memoizedState 作为输出状态.
    • ClassComponent:
      • 构建 React.Component 实例.
      • 把新实例挂载到 fiber.stateNode 上.
      • 执行 render 之前的生命周期函数.
      • 执行 render 方法, 获取下级 ReactElement.
      • 设置 fiber.flags, 标记副作用.
    • FunctionComponent:
      • 执行 renderWithHooks() -> FunctionComponent(), 获取下级 ReactElement.
      • 设置 fiber.flags, 标记副作用.
    • HostComponent.
      • pendingProps.children 作为下级 ReactElement.
      • 如果下级节点是文本节点, 则设置下级节点为 null (进入 completeUnitOfWork 阶段).
      • 设置 fiber.flags, 标记副作用.
    • 根据实际情况, 设置 fiber.flags, 标记副作用.
    • 根据获取的下级 ReactElement 对象, 调用 reconcileChildren 生成 Fiber 子节点 (只生成次级子节点).
  • ReactDOMComponent.createElement() / ReactClassComponent.render() / ReactFunctionComponent().
  • reconcileChildren.
  • mountChildFibers/reconcileChildFibers:
    • mountChildFibers: similar logic, not tracking side effects.
    • reconcileChildFibers: similar logic, tracking side effects.
    • reconcileSingleElement.
    • reconcileSingleTextNode.
    • reconcileSinglePortal.
    • reconcileChildrenArray.
    • reconcileChildrenIterator.
  • completeUnitOfWork:
    • reconcileChildren 返回值为 null 时, 表示 DFS 进行到子叶节点, performUnitOfWork 会调用 completeUnitOfWork 函数.
    • 调用 completeWork 进行 render.
    • 把当前 Fiber 对象的副作用队列 (firstEffectlastEffect) 加到父节点的副作用队列之后, 更新父节点的 firstEffectlastEffect 指针.
    • 识别 beginWork 阶段设置的 fiber.flags, 若当前 Fiber 存在副作用 (Effects), 则将当前 Fiber 加入到父节点的 Effects 队列, 等待 Commit 阶段处理.
    • workInProgress 设置为 siblingFiber (DFS 遍历) 或 returnFiber (DFS 回溯), 继续构建 Fiber 树.
  • completeWork:
    • 创建 DOM 实例, 绑定至 HostComponent/HostText fiber.stateNode (局部状态).
    • 设置 DOM 节点属性, 绑定事件.
    • 设置 fiber.flags, 收集副作用.
export function scheduleUpdateOnFiber(
fiber: Fiber,
lane: Lane,
eventTime: number
) {
const root = markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(fiber, lane)

if (lane === SyncLane) {
if (
(executionContext & LegacyUnbatchedContext) !== NoContext
&& (executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) === NoContext
) {
// 初次渲染.
} else {
// 对比更新.
ensureRootIsScheduled(root, eventTime)

mostRecentlyUpdatedRoot = root

function performSyncWorkOnRoot(root) {
// 1. 获取本次render的优先级, 初次构造返回 NoLanes.
const lanes = getNextLanes(root, NoLanes)
// 2. 从root节点开始, 至上而下更新.
const exitStatus = renderRootSync(root, lanes)
// 3. 将最新的 Fiber 树挂载到 root.finishedWork 节点上.
const finishedWork: Fiber = root.current.alternate
root.finishedWork = finishedWork
root.finishedLanes = lanes
// 4. 进入 Commit 阶段.

function performConcurrentWorkOnRoot(root) {
const originalCallbackNode = root.callbackNode

// 1. 刷新 pending 状态的 effects, 有可能某些 effect 会取消本次任务.
const didFlushPassiveEffects = flushPassiveEffects()

if (didFlushPassiveEffects) {
if (root.callbackNode !== originalCallbackNode) {
// 任务被取消, 退出调用.
return null
} else {
// Current task was not canceled. Continue.

// 2. 获取本次渲染的优先级.
const lanes = getNextLanes(
root === workInProgressRoot ? workInProgressRootRenderLanes : NoLanes

// 3. 构造 Fiber 树.
const exitStatus = renderRootConcurrent(root, lanes)

if (
) {
// 如果在 render 过程中产生了新 update, 且新 update 的优先级与最初 render 的优先级有交集.
// 那么最初 render 无效, 丢弃最初 render 的结果, 等待下一次调度.
prepareFreshStack(root, NoLanes)
} else if (exitStatus !== RootIncomplete) {
// 4. 异常处理: 有可能fiber构造过程中出现异常.
if (exitStatus === RootError)

const finishedWork = root.current.alternate // Fiber
root.finishedWork = finishedWork
root.finishedLanes = lanes

// 5. 输出: 渲染 Fiber树.
finishConcurrentRender(root, exitStatus, lanes)

// 退出前再次检测, 是否还有其他更新, 是否需要发起新调度.
ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now())

if (root.callbackNode === originalCallbackNode) {
// 渲染被阻断, 返回一个新的 performConcurrentWorkOnRoot 函数, 等待下一次调度.
return performConcurrentWorkOnRoot.bind(null, root)

return null

function renderRootSync(root: FiberRoot, lanes: Lanes) {
const prevExecutionContext = executionContext
executionContext |= RenderContext

// 如果 FiberRoot 变动, 或者 update.lane 变动, 都会刷新栈帧, 丢弃上一次渲染进度.
if (workInProgressRoot !== root || workInProgressRootRenderLanes !== lanes) {
// 刷新栈帧.
prepareFreshStack(root, lanes)
do {
try {
} catch (thrownValue) {
handleError(root, thrownValue)
} while (true)

// 重置全局变量, 表明 render 结束.
executionContext = prevExecutionContext
workInProgressRoot = null
workInProgressRootRenderLanes = NoLanes
return workInProgressRootExitStatus

function renderRootConcurrent(root: FiberRoot, lanes: Lanes) {
const prevExecutionContext = executionContext
executionContext |= RenderContext
const prevDispatcher = pushDispatcher()

// 如果 FiberRoot 变动, 或者 update.lane变动, 都会刷新栈帧, 丢弃上一次渲染进度.
if (workInProgressRoot !== root || workInProgressRootRenderLanes !== lanes) {
// 刷新栈帧.
prepareFreshStack(root, lanes)
startWorkOnPendingInteractions(root, lanes)

const prevInteractions = pushInteractions(root)

do {
try {
} catch (thrownValue) {
handleError(root, thrownValue)
} while (true)

// 重置全局变量.
executionContext = prevExecutionContext

// Check if the tree has completed.
if (workInProgress !== null) {
// Still work remaining.
return RootIncomplete
} else {
// Completed the tree.
// Set this to null to indicate there's no in-progress render.
workInProgressRoot = null
workInProgressRootRenderLanes = NoLanes

// Return the final exit status.
return workInProgressRootExitStatus

function prepareFreshStack(root: FiberRoot, lanes: Lanes) {
// 重置 FiberRoot 上的属性.
root.finishedWork = null
root.finishedLanes = NoLanes
const timeoutHandle = root.timeoutHandle

if (timeoutHandle !== noTimeout) {
root.timeoutHandle = noTimeout

if (workInProgress !== null) {
let interruptedWork = workInProgress.return
while (interruptedWork !== null) {
interruptedWork = interruptedWork.return

// 重置全局变量.
workInProgressRoot = root
workInProgress = createWorkInProgress(root.current, null) // currentHostRootFiber.alternate.
= subtreeRenderLanes
= workInProgressRootIncludedLanes
= lanes
workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootIncomplete
workInProgressRootFatalError = null
workInProgressRootSkippedLanes = NoLanes
workInProgressRootUpdatedLanes = NoLanes
workInProgressRootPingedLanes = NoLanes

function workLoopSync() {
while (workInProgress !== null)

function workLoopConcurrent() {
// Perform work until Scheduler asks us to yield.
while (workInProgress !== null && !shouldYield())

function performUnitOfWork(unitOfWork: Fiber): void {
// unitOfWork 就是被传入的 workInProgress.
const current = unitOfWork.alternate
const next = beginWork(current, unitOfWork, subtreeRenderLanes)
unitOfWork.memoizedProps = unitOfWork.pendingProps

if (next === null) {
// 如果没有派生出新的下级节点, 则进入 completeWork 阶段, 传入的是当前 unitOfWork.
} else {
// 如果派生出新的下级节点, 则递归处理.
workInProgress = next

function _performUnitOfWork_Recursive(unitOfWork: Fiber): void {
beginWork(unitOfWork.alternate, unitOfWork, subtreeRenderLanes)
if (unitOfWork.child)
if (unitOfWork.sibling)

function beginWork(
current: Fiber | null,
workInProgress: Fiber,
renderLanes: Lanes
): Fiber | null {
// 1. 设置 workInProgress 优先级为 NoLanes (最高优先级).
const updateLanes = workInProgress.lanes
didReceiveUpdate = false
workInProgress.lanes = NoLanes

// 2. 根据 workInProgress 节点的类型, 用不同的方法派生出子节点.
switch (workInProgress.tag) {
case ClassComponent: {
const Component = workInProgress.type
const unresolvedProps = workInProgress.pendingProps
const resolvedProps
= workInProgress.elementType === Component
? unresolvedProps
: resolveDefaultProps(Component, unresolvedProps)
return updateClassComponent(
case HostRoot:
return updateHostRoot(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
case HostComponent:
return updateHostComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
case HostText:
return updateHostText(current, workInProgress)
case Fragment:
return updateFragment(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)

function completeUnitOfWork(unitOfWork: Fiber): void {
let completedWork = unitOfWork

// 外层循环控制并移动指针 (workInProgress/completedWork).
do {
const current = completedWork.alternate
const returnFiber = completedWork.return

if ((completedWork.flags & Incomplete) === NoFlags) {
// 1. 处理 Fiber 节点, 会调用渲染器 (关联 Fiber 节点和 DOM 对象, 绑定事件等).
const next = completeWork(current, completedWork, subtreeRenderLanes)

if (next !== null) {
// 如果派生出其他的子节点, 则回到 beginWork 阶段进行处理.
workInProgress = next

// 重置子节点的优先级.

if (
returnFiber !== null
&& (returnFiber.flags & Incomplete) === NoFlags
) {
// 2. 收集当前 Fiber 节点以及其子树的副作用 Effects.
// 2.1 把子节点的副作用队列添加到父节点上.
if (returnFiber.firstEffect === null)
returnFiber.firstEffect = completedWork.firstEffect

if (completedWork.lastEffect !== null) {
if (returnFiber.lastEffect !== null)
returnFiber.lastEffect.nextEffect = completedWork.firstEffect

returnFiber.lastEffect = completedWork.lastEffect

// 2.2 如果当前 Fiber 节点有副作用, 将其添加到子节点的副作用队列之后.
const flags = completedWork.flags

if (returnFiber.lastEffect !== null)
returnFiber.lastEffect.nextEffect = completedWork
returnFiber.firstEffect = completedWork

returnFiber.lastEffect = completedWork

const siblingFiber = completedWork.sibling

if (siblingFiber !== null) {
// 如果有兄弟节点, 返回之后再次进入 beginWork 阶段.
workInProgress = siblingFiber

// 移动指针, 指向下一个节点.
completedWork = returnFiber
workInProgress = completedWork
} while (completedWork !== null)

// 已回溯到根节点, 设置 workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootCompleted.
if (workInProgressRootExitStatus === RootIncomplete)
workInProgressRootExitStatus = RootCompleted

function completeWork(
current: Fiber | null,
workInProgress: Fiber,
renderLanes: Lanes
): Fiber | null {
const newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps

switch (workInProgress.tag) {
case HostRoot: {
const fiberRoot: FiberRoot = workInProgress.stateNode

if (fiberRoot.pendingContext) {
fiberRoot.context = fiberRoot.pendingContext
fiberRoot.pendingContext = null

if (current === null || current.child === null) {
// 设置 fiber.flags.
workInProgress.flags |= Snapshot

return null
case HostComponent: {
const rootContainerInstance = getRootHostContainer()
const type = workInProgress.type
const currentHostContext = getHostContext()

// 1. 创建 DOM 对象.
const instance = createInstance(

// 2. 把子树中的 DOM 对象 append 到本节点的 DOM 对象之后.
appendAllChildren(instance, workInProgress, false, false)

// 3. 设置 stateNode 属性, 指向 DOM 对象.
workInProgress.stateNode = instance

if (
// 4. 设置DOM对象的属性, 绑定事件等.
) {
// 设置 fiber.flags (Update).

if (workInProgress.ref !== null) {
// 设置 fiber.flags (Ref).

return null

Host Root Fiber Rendering

function updateHostRoot(current, workInProgress, renderLanes) {
// 1. 状态计算, 更新整合到 workInProgress.memoizedState.
const updateQueue = workInProgress.updateQueue
const nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps
const prevState = workInProgress.memoizedState
const prevChildren = prevState !== null ? prevState.element : null
cloneUpdateQueue(current, workInProgress)
// 遍历 updateQueue.shared.pending, 提取有足够优先级的 update对象, 计算出最终的状态 workInProgress.memoizedState.
processUpdateQueue(workInProgress, nextProps, null, renderLanes)
const nextState = workInProgress.memoizedState

// 2. 获取下级 ReactElement 对象.
const nextChildren = nextState.element
const root: FiberRoot = workInProgress.stateNode

// 3. 根据 ReactElement 对象, 调用 reconcileChildren 生成 Fiber 子节点 (只生成次级子节点).
reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes)
return workInProgress.child

Host Component Fiber Rendering

function updateHostComponent(
current: Fiber | null,
workInProgress: Fiber,
renderLanes: Lanes
) {
// 1. 状态计算, 由于 HostComponent 是无状态组件, 只需要收集 nextProps.
const type = workInProgress.type
const nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps
const prevProps = current !== null ? current.memoizedProps : null

// 2. 获取下级 ReactElement 对象.
let nextChildren = nextProps.children
const isDirectTextChild = shouldSetTextContent(type, nextProps)

if (isDirectTextChild) {
// 如果子节点只有一个文本节点, 不用再创建一个 HostText 类型的 Fiber.
nextChildren = null
} else if (prevProps !== null && shouldSetTextContent(type, prevProps)) {
// 设置 fiber.flags.
workInProgress.flags |= ContentReset

// 设置 fiber.flags.
markRef(current, workInProgress)

// 3. 根据 ReactElement 对象, 调用 reconcileChildren 生成 Fiber 子节点(只生成次级子节点)
reconcileChildren(current, workInProgress, nextChildren, renderLanes)
return workInProgress.child

Class Component Fiber Rendering

Function Component Fiber Rendering

Reconciler Update Workflow

Update and Update Queue:

  • UpdateQueue 是一个循环队列.
  • 创建 Update 时机 (createUpdate/enqueueUpdate):
    • ReactFiberReconciler.updateContainer.
    • ReactFiberClassComponent.setState.
    • ReactFiberHooks.dispatchAction.
  • Reconciler.Render 阶段, 调用 XXXClassInstance/useXXX, 遍历处理 Update Queue (processUpdateQueue/HooksDispatcherOnUpdate), 计算出 memoizedState, 利用 pendingProps 与 memoizedState 产生新的 ReactElement (ClassComponent.render()/FunctionComponent()).
interface Update<State> {
lane: Lane
tag: 'UpdateState' | 'ReplaceState' | 'ForceUpdate' | 'CaptureUpdate'
payload: any
callback: (() => mixed) | null
next: Update<State> | null
_eventTime: number

interface SharedQueue<State> {
pending: Update<State> | null

interface UpdateQueue<State> {
baseState: State
firstBaseUpdate: Update<State> | null
lastBaseUpdate: Update<State> | null
shared: SharedQueue<State>
effects: Array<Update<State>> | null // Updates with `callback`.


const classComponentUpdater = {
enqueueSetState(inst, payload, callback) {
// 1. 获取 ClassComponent 实例对应的 Fiber 节点.
const fiber = getInstance(inst)
// 2. 创建 Update 对象.
const eventTime = requestEventTime()
const lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber)
const update = createUpdate(eventTime, lane)
update.payload = payload

if (callback !== undefined && callback !== null)
update.callback = callback

// 3. 将 Update 对象添加到当前 Fiber 节点的 updateQueue.
enqueueUpdate(fiber, update)
// 4. 请求调度, 进入 Reconciler.
scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, lane, eventTime)


function dispatchAction<S, A>(
fiber: Fiber,
queue: UpdateQueue<S, A>,
action: A
) {
// 1. 创建 Update 对象.
const eventTime = requestEventTime()
const lane = requestUpdateLane(fiber)
const update: Update<S, A> = {
eagerReducer: null,
eagerState: null,
next: null,

// 2. 将 Update 对象添加到当前 Hook 对象的 updateQueue.
const pending = queue.pending

if (pending === null) { = update
} else { = = update

queue.pending = update

// 3. 请求调度, 进入 Reconciler.
scheduleUpdateOnFiber(fiber, lane, eventTime)
  • createUpdate.
  • enqueueUpdate.
  • scheduleUpdateOnFiber.
  • markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot: 找出 Fiber 树中受到本次 Update 影响的所有节点 (存在更新可能), 设置这些节点的 fiber.lanesfiber.childLanes.
  • ensureRootIsScheduled.
  • flushSyncCallbacks.
  • performSyncWorkOnRoot / performConcurrentWorkOnRoot.
  • renderRootSync / renderRootConcurrent.
  • workLoopSync / workLoopConcurrent.
  • performUnitOfWork(workInProgress).
  • beginWork:
    • 若判断当前 Fiber 节点无需更新 (lanes: 0, childLanes: ?), 调用 bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork 循环检测子节点是否需要更新:
      • instance.shouldComponentUpdate() === false, workInProgress.pendingProps === current.memoizedProps, hasLegacyContextChange() === false, checkIfContextChanged(fiber.dependencies) === false, includesSomeLane(fiber.lanes, renderLanes) === false.
      • When it comes to lanes: 0, childLanes: 0, skip it and its children (bailout).
      • When it comes to lanes: 0, childLanes: 1, continue to check its children.
    • 若判断当前 Fiber 节点需要更新 (lanes: 1), 调用 updateXXXComponent 进行更新.
  • bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork:
    • includesSomeLane(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes) === false 表明子节点无需更新, 可直接进入回溯阶段 (completeUnitOfWork).
    • includesSomeLane(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes) === true, 表明子节点需要更新, clone 并返回子节点.
  • updateHostRoot/updateXXXComponent.
  • ReactClassComponent.render() / ReactFunctionComponent() / ReactDOMComponent.createElement(): 遍历处理 Update Queue (processUpdateQueue/HooksDispatcherOnUpdate), 计算出 memoizedState, 利用 pendingProps 与 memoizedState 产生新的 ReactElement.
  • reconcileChildren:
    • 通过 ReactElement 与 OldFiber, 产生或复用 ChildFiber.
    • 设置 fiber.flags, 标记副作用: Placement/Deletion/etc.
    • 对于 Deletion Fiber, 在 beginWork 阶段提前将其添加到父节点的 Effects 队列中 (该节点会脱离 Fiber 树, 不会再进入 completeWork 阶段, 无法在此阶段收集此节点副作用).
  • reconcileChildFibers.
  • completeUnitOfWork: 收集副作用.
  • completeWork: 收集副作用.
// 标记所有可能存在更新的节点, 并设置 fiber.lanes 与 fiber.childLanes.
function markUpdateLaneFromFiberToRoot(
sourceFiber: Fiber, // 被更新的节点.
lane: Lane
): FiberRoot | null {
// 设置 sourceFiber.lanes.
sourceFiber.lanes = mergeLanes(sourceFiber.lanes, lane)
let alternate = sourceFiber.alternate

if (alternate !== null) {
// 同时设置 sourceFiber.alternate.lanes.
alternate.lanes = mergeLanes(alternate.lanes, lane)

// 从 sourceFiber 开始, 向上遍历所有 Fiber, 直到 HostRootFiber.
// 设置沿途所有 fiber.childLanes 与 fiber.alternate.childLanes.
let node = sourceFiber
let parent = sourceFiber.return

while (parent !== null) {
parent.childLanes = mergeLanes(parent.childLanes, lane)
alternate = parent.alternate

if (alternate !== null)
alternate.childLanes = mergeLanes(alternate.childLanes, lane)

node = parent
parent = parent.return

if (node.tag === HostRoot) {
const root: FiberRoot = node.stateNode
return root
} else {
return null

function beginWork(
current: Fiber | null,
workInProgress: Fiber,
renderLanes: Lanes
): Fiber | null {
const updateLanes = workInProgress.lanes

if (current !== null) {
// 进入对比.
const oldProps = current.memoizedProps
const newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps
if (
oldProps !== newProps
|| hasLegacyContextChanged()
|| (__DEV__ ? workInProgress.type !== current.type : false)
) {
didReceiveUpdate = true
} else if (!includesSomeLane(renderLanes, updateLanes)) {
// 当前渲染优先级 renderLanes 不包括 fiber.lanes, 表明当前 Fiber 节点无需更新.
didReceiveUpdate = false
// 调用 bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork 循环检测子节点是否需要更新.
return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)

// 当前节点需要更新.
workInProgress.lanes = NoLanes // 最高优先级

switch (workInProgress.tag) {
case ClassComponent: {
const Component = workInProgress.type
const unresolvedProps = workInProgress.pendingProps
const resolvedProps
= workInProgress.elementType === Component
? unresolvedProps
: resolveDefaultProps(Component, unresolvedProps)
return updateClassComponent(
case HostRoot:
return updateHostRoot(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
case HostComponent:
return updateHostComponent(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)
case HostText:
return updateHostText(current, workInProgress)
case Fragment:
return updateFragment(current, workInProgress, renderLanes)

function bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(
current: Fiber | null,
workInProgress: Fiber,
renderLanes: Lanes
): Fiber | null {
if (!includesSomeLane(renderLanes, workInProgress.childLanes)) {
// 渲染优先级不包括 workInProgress.childLanes, 表明子节点也无需更新.
// 返回 null, 直接进入回溯阶段.
return null
} else {
// Fiber 自身无需更新, 但子节点需要更新, clone 并返回子节点.
cloneChildFibers(current, workInProgress)
return workInProgress.child

function completeWork(
current: Fiber | null,
workInProgress: Fiber,
renderLanes: Lanes
): Fiber | null {
const newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps

switch (workInProgress.tag) {
case HostComponent: {
// 非文本节点.
const rootContainerInstance = getRootHostContainer()
const type = workInProgress.type

if (current !== null && workInProgress.stateNode !== null) {
// 处理改动.

if (current.ref !== workInProgress.ref)

return null
case HostText: {
// 文本节点.
const newText = newProps

if (current !== null && workInProgress.stateNode !== null) {
const oldText = current.memoizedProps
// 处理改动.
updateHostText(current, workInProgress, oldText, newText)

return null

function updateHostComponent(
current: Fiber,
workInProgress: Fiber,
type: Type,
newProps: Props,
rootContainerInstance: Container
) {
const oldProps = current.memoizedProps

if (oldProps === newProps)

const instance: Instance = workInProgress.stateNode
const currentHostContext = getHostContext()
const updatePayload = prepareUpdate(
workInProgress.updateQueue = updatePayload

// 如果有属性变动, 设置 fiber.flags |= Update, 等待 Commit 阶段处理.
if (updatePayload)

function updateHostText(
current: Fiber,
workInProgress: Fiber,
oldText: string,
newText: string
) {
// 如果有属性变动, 设置 fiber.flags |= Update, 等待 Commit 阶段处理.
if (oldText !== newText)

Reconciler Diff Workflow


  • O(n) incomplete tree comparison: only compare same level nodes.
  • ReactElement + Old Children Fiber -> New Children Fiber.
  • Create new children fiber (non exist/need update), drop useless children fiber, reuse old children fiber, set fiber.flags: Placement/Deletion. prepare for Commit stage.
  • key prop to hint for Fiber nodes reuse.
  • Detailed diff algorithm.

Different Types Elements

  • Rebuild element and children.

Same Type DOM Elements

  • Only update the changed attributes.
  • Use key attribute to match children.

Best Practice: give key to <li>/<tr>/<tc> elements (stable, predictable, unique and not array indexed).

Same Type Component Elements

  • Update the props to match the new element.

Reconcile Array Elements

  • 第一次循环: 比较公共序列:
    • 从左到右逐一遍历, 遇到一个无法复用的节点则退出循环.
  • 第二次循环: 比较非公共序列
    • 在第一次循环的基础上, 如果 oldFiber 队列遍历完成, 证明 newChildren 队列中剩余的对象全部都是新增.
    • 此时继续遍历剩余的 newChildren 队列即可, 没有额外的 diff 比较.
    • 在第一次循环的基础上, 如果 oldFiber 队列没有遍历完, 需要将 oldFiber 队列中剩余的对象都添加到一个 Map 集合中, 以 oldFiber.key 作为键.
    • 此时继续遍历剩余的 newChildren 队列, 需要用 newChild.key 到 Map 集合中进行查找, 将匹配上的 oldFiber 取出与 newChild 进行 diff 比较.
  • 清理工作:
    • 在第二次循环结束后, 若 Map 集合中还有剩余的 oldFiber, 则说明 oldFiber 都是被删除的节点, 需要打上删除标记 (Deletion).

Reconciler Commit Workflow

Renderer and HostConfig Protocol


  • Implementing HostConfig protocol.
  • Rendering fiber tree to real contents:
    • Web: DOM node.
    • Native: native UI.
    • Server: SSR strings.
  • Real renderer demo.

HostConfig protocol:

  • isPrimaryRender: true.
  • supportsHydration: true: SSR renderer.
  • supportsMutation: true: React DOM renderer.
  • supportsPersistence: true: React Native renderer.
  • Platform timer functions:
    • now.
    • scheduleTimeout.
    • cancelTimeout.
  • Creation operations:
    • createInstance.
    • createTextInstance.
  • UI tree operations:
    • appendInitialChild.
    • appendChild.
    • appendChildToContainer.
    • removeChildFromContainer.
    • removeChild.
    • clearContainer.
  • Update props operations:
    • finalizeInitialChildren.
    • prepareUpdate.
    • commitUpdate.
    • commitTextUpdate.
    • shouldSetTextContent.
    • resetTextContent.
  • Context and schedule operations:
    • getRootHostContext.
    • getChildHostContext.
    • getPublicInstance.
    • prepareForCommit.
    • resetAfterCommit.
    • preparePortalMount.

Commit Root

  • FiberRoot.finishedWork:
    • 副作用队列挂载在根节点上 (finishedWork.firstEffect).
    • 最新 DOM 对象挂载在 HostComponent Fiber 上 (fiber.stateNode).
  • BeforeMutation phase:
    • Read the state of the host tree right before DOM mutation.
    • Process Passive/Snapshot/Deletion effects fiber.
    • instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate.
  • Mutation phase.
    • Mutate the host tree, render UI.
    • Process ContentReset/Ref/Visibility/Placement/Update/Deletion/Hydrating effects fiber.
  • Layout phase.
    • After DOM mutation.
    • Process Update | Callback effects fiber.
    • instance.componentDidMount/componentDidUpdate (synchronous).
    • instance callback for setState.
    • useLayoutEffect (synchronous).
  • CommitEffects functions located in ReactFiberCommitWork.
function commitRoot(root: FiberRoot, recoverableErrors: null | Array<mixed>) {
const previousUpdateLanePriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority()
const prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition

try {
ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = null
commitRootImpl(root, recoverableErrors, previousUpdateLanePriority)
} finally {
ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition

return null

function commitRootImpl(
root: FiberRoot,
recoverableErrors: null | Array<mixed>,
renderPriorityLevel: EventPriority
) {
while (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects !== null)


if ((executionContext & (RenderContext | CommitContext)) !== NoContext)
throw new Error('Should not already be working.')

const finishedWork = root.finishedWork
const lanes = root.finishedLanes

if (finishedWork === null)
return null

// 清空 FiberRoot 对象上的属性.
root.finishedWork = null
root.finishedLanes = NoLanes
root.callbackNode = null
root.callbackPriority = NoLane

// Update the first and last pending times on this root.
// The new first pending time is whatever is left on the root fiber.
const remainingLanes = mergeLanes(finishedWork.lanes, finishedWork.childLanes)

if (root === workInProgressRoot) {
// We can reset these now that they are finished.
workInProgressRoot = null
workInProgress = null
workInProgressRootRenderLanes = NoLanes

// If there are pending passive effects, schedule a callback to process them.
// Do this as early as possible before anything else in commit phase.
if (
(finishedWork.subtreeFlags & PassiveMask) !== NoFlags
|| (finishedWork.flags & PassiveMask) !== NoFlags
) {
if (!rootDoesHavePassiveEffects) {
rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = true
pendingPassiveEffectsRemainingLanes = remainingLanes
scheduleCallback(NormalSchedulerPriority, () => {
return null

// Check if there are any effects in the whole tree.
const subtreeHasEffects
= (finishedWork.subtreeFlags
& (BeforeMutationMask | MutationMask | LayoutMask | PassiveMask))
!== NoFlags
const rootHasEffect
= (finishedWork.flags
& (BeforeMutationMask | MutationMask | LayoutMask | PassiveMask))
!== NoFlags

if (subtreeHasEffects || rootHasEffect) {
// Store context.
const prevTransition = ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition
const previousPriority = getCurrentUpdatePriority()
const prevExecutionContext = executionContext
ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = null
executionContext |= CommitContext

// Reset this to null before calling life cycles.
ReactCurrentOwner.current = null

// `BeforeMutation` phase:
// read the state of the host tree right before we mutate it.
// `getSnapshotBeforeUpdate` is called.
commitBeforeMutationEffects(root, finishedWork)

// `Mutation` phase:
// mutate the host tree.
commitMutationEffects(root, finishedWork, lanes)


// The workInProgress tree is now the current tree (during `componentDidMount`/`Update`).
root.current = finishedWork

// `Layout` phase:
// `useLayoutEffect` is called.
commitLayoutEffects(finishedWork, root, lanes)

// Tell Scheduler to yield at the end of the frame,
// so the browser has an opportunity to paint.

// Restore context.
executionContext = prevExecutionContext
ReactCurrentBatchConfig.transition = prevTransition
} else {
// No effects.
root.current = finishedWork

const rootDidHavePassiveEffects = rootDoesHavePassiveEffects

if (rootDoesHavePassiveEffects) {
// This commit has passive effects:
// Stash a reference to them.
rootDoesHavePassiveEffects = false
rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = root
pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = lanes
} else {
// There were no passive effects:
// immediately release the cache pool for this render.
releaseRootPooledCache(root, remainingLanes)

// Always call this before exiting `commitRoot`,
// to ensure that any additional work on this root is scheduled.
ensureRootIsScheduled(root, now())

// If the passive effects are the result of a discrete render,
// flush them synchronously at the end of the current task
// so that the result is immediately observable.
if (
includesSomeLane(pendingPassiveEffectsLanes, SyncLane)
&& root.tag !== LegacyRoot
) {

// If layout work was scheduled, flush it now.

return null
const BeforeMutationMask = Update | Snapshot | ChildDeletion | Visibility

const MutationMask
= Placement
| Update
| ChildDeletion
| ContentReset
| Ref
| Hydrating
| Visibility

const LayoutMask = Update | Callback | Ref | Visibility

Before Mutation Phase

  • Passive effects:
    • FunctionComponent fiber (hooks): If there are pending passive effects, schedule a callback (asynchronous) to process them, as early as possible before anything else in commit phase.
    • useXXX hooks normally run in asynchronous mode.
    • useEffect (asynchronous) run after useLayoutEffect.
  • Snapshot effects:
    • HostRoot fiber: HostConfig.clearContainer.
    • ClassComponent fiber: instance.getSnapShotBeforeUpdate.
  • Deletion effects: commitBeforeMutationEffectsDeletion -> HostConfig.beforeActiveInstanceBlur.
// `Passive` effects.
scheduleCallback(NormalSchedulerPriority, () => {
return null

function flushPassiveEffects(): boolean {
// Returns whether passive effects were flushed.
if (pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority !== NoSchedulerPriority) {
const priorityLevel
= pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority > NormalSchedulerPriority
? NormalSchedulerPriority
: pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority
pendingPassiveEffectsRenderPriority = NoSchedulerPriority
return runWithPriority(priorityLevel, flushPassiveEffectsImpl)

return false

function flushPassiveEffectsImpl() {
if (rootWithPendingPassiveEffects === null)
return false

rootWithPendingPassiveEffects = null
pendingPassiveEffectsLanes = NoLanes

// 1. 执行 effect.destroy().
const unmountEffects = pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount
pendingPassiveHookEffectsUnmount = []

for (let i = 0; i < unmountEffects.length; i += 2) {
const effect = unmountEffects[i]
const fiber = unmountEffects[i + 1]
const destroy = effect.destroy
effect.destroy = undefined

if (typeof destroy === 'function')

// 2. 执行新 effect.create(), 重新赋值到 effect.destroy.
const mountEffects = pendingPassiveHookEffectsMount
pendingPassiveHookEffectsMount = []

for (let i = 0; i < mountEffects.length; i += 2) {
const effect = mountEffects[i]
const fiber = mountEffects[i + 1]
effect.destroy = create()
// `Snapshot` effects.
function commitBeforeMutationEffects(root: FiberRoot, firstChild: Fiber) {
nextEffect = firstChild

// DFS traverse.
while (nextEffect !== null) {
const fiber = nextEffect
const deletions = fiber.deletions

if (deletions !== null) {
for (let i = 0; i < deletions.length; i++) {
const deletion = deletions[i]

const child = fiber.child

if (
(fiber.subtreeFlags & BeforeMutationMask) !== NoFlags
&& child !== null
) {
// 1. Visit children.
nextEffect = child
} else {
while (nextEffect !== null) {
const fiber = nextEffect
const sibling = fiber.sibling

// 2. Visit sibling.
if (sibling !== null) {
nextEffect = sibling

nextEffect = fiber.return

function commitBeforeMutationEffectsOnFiber(finishedWork: Fiber) {
const current = finishedWork.alternate
const flags = finishedWork.flags

if ((flags & Snapshot) !== NoFlags) {
switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case ClassComponent: {
if (current !== null) {
const prevProps = current.memoizedProps
const prevState = current.memoizedState
const instance = finishedWork.stateNode

// We could update instance props and state here,
// but instead we rely on them being set during last render.
const snapshot = instance.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(
finishedWork.elementType === finishedWork.type
? prevProps
: resolveDefaultProps(finishedWork.type, prevProps),
instance.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = snapshot

case HostRoot: {
if (supportsMutation) {
const root = finishedWork.stateNode

case FunctionComponent:
case ForwardRef:
case SimpleMemoComponent:
case HostComponent:
case HostText:
case HostPortal:
case IncompleteClassComponent:
// Nothing to do for these component types.
default: {
throw new Error(
'This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is '
+ 'likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'

function commitBeforeMutationEffectsDeletion(deletion: Fiber) {
if (doesFiberContain(deletion, focusedInstanceHandle)) {
shouldFireAfterActiveInstanceBlur = true

Mutation Phase

  • ContentReset effects: commitResetTextContent -> HostConfig.resetTextContext.
  • Ref effects: commitAttachRef/commitDetachRef -> HostConfig.getPublicInstance.
  • Visibility effects:
    • SuspenseComponent fiber: markCommitTimeOfFallback.
    • OffscreenComponent fiber: hideOrUnhideAllChildren -> HostConfig.hideInstance/hideTextInstance/unhideInstance/unhideTextInstance.
  • Deletion effects: commitDeletion -> HostConfig.removeChild/removeChildFromContainer/clearSuspenseBoundaryFromContainer.
  • Placement effects: commitPlacement -> insertOrAppendPlacementNode/insertOrAppendPlacementNodeIntoContainer -> HostConfig.appendChild/insertBefore/appendChildToContainer/insertInContainerBefore.
  • Update effects: commitWork -> HostConfig.commitUpdate/commitTextUpdate/commitHydratedContainer/replaceContainerChildren.
  • Hydrating effects.
Effect Order

Deletion -> Insertion -> Update.

export function commitMutationEffects(
root: FiberRoot,
firstChild: Fiber,
committedLanes: Lanes
) {
inProgressLanes = committedLanes
inProgressRoot = root
nextEffect = firstChild

while (nextEffect !== null) {
const fiber = nextEffect
const deletions = fiber.deletions

if (deletions !== null) {
for (let i = 0; i < deletions.length; i++) {
const childToDelete = deletions[i]
commitDeletion(root, childToDelete, fiber)

const child = fiber.child

if ((fiber.subtreeFlags & MutationMask) !== NoFlags && child !== null) {
// 1. Visit children.
nextEffect = child
} else {
while (nextEffect !== null) {
const fiber = nextEffect
commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(fiber, root, lanes)
const sibling = fiber.sibling

// 2. Visit sibling.
if (sibling !== null) {
nextEffect = sibling

nextEffect = fiber.return

inProgressLanes = null
inProgressRoot = null

function commitMutationEffectsOnFiber(
finishedWork: Fiber,
root: FiberRoot,
lanes: Lanes
) {
const flags = finishedWork.flags

if (flags & ContentReset)

if (flags & Ref) {
const current = finishedWork.alternate

if (current !== null) {
// 先清空 ref, 在第三阶段 (Layout), 再重新赋值.

if (finishedWork.tag === ScopeComponent)

if (flags & Visibility) {
switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case SuspenseComponent: {
const newState: OffscreenState | null = finishedWork.memoizedState
const isHidden = newState !== null

if (isHidden) {
const current = finishedWork.alternate
const wasHidden = current !== null && current.memoizedState !== null

if (!wasHidden)

case OffscreenComponent: {
const newState: OffscreenState | null = finishedWork.memoizedState
const isHidden = newState !== null
const current = finishedWork.alternate
const wasHidden = current !== null && current.memoizedState !== null
const offscreenBoundary: Fiber = finishedWork

if (supportsMutation)
hideOrUnhideAllChildren(offscreenBoundary, isHidden)


const primaryFlags = flags & (Placement | Update | Hydrating)

switch (primaryFlags) {
case Placement: {
// Placement
finishedWork.flags &= ~Placement // Clear bit.
case PlacementAndUpdate: {
// Placement
finishedWork.flags &= ~Placement // Clear bit.

// Update
const current = finishedWork.alternate
commitWork(current, finishedWork)
case Hydrating: {
finishedWork.flags &= ~Hydrating // Clear bit.
case HydratingAndUpdate: {
finishedWork.flags &= ~Hydrating // Clear bit.

// Update
const current = finishedWork.alternate
commitWork(current, finishedWork)
case Update: {
const current = finishedWork.alternate
commitWork(current, finishedWork)

Layout Phase

  • Update | Callback effects:
    • instance.componentDidMount/componentDidUpdate (synchronous).
    • instance callback for setState.
    • useLayoutEffect (synchronous).
    • HostConfig.getPublicInstance/commitMount.
function commitLayoutEffects(
finishedWork: Fiber,
root: FiberRoot,
committedLanes: Lanes
): void {
inProgressLanes = committedLanes
inProgressRoot = root
nextEffect = finishedWork

while (nextEffect !== null) {
const fiber = nextEffect
const firstChild = fiber.child

if ((fiber.subtreeFlags & LayoutMask) !== NoFlags && firstChild !== null) {
// 1. Visit children.
nextEffect = firstChild
} else {
while (nextEffect !== null) {
const fiber = nextEffect

if ((fiber.flags & LayoutMask) !== NoFlags) {
const current = fiber.alternate
commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(root, current, fiber, committedLanes)

// Complete `commitLayoutEffects`.
if (fiber === subtreeRoot) {
nextEffect = null

const sibling = fiber.sibling

// 2. Visit sibling.
if (sibling !== null) {
nextEffect = sibling

nextEffect = fiber.return

inProgressLanes = null
inProgressRoot = null

function commitLayoutEffectOnFiber(
finishedRoot: FiberRoot,
current: Fiber | null,
finishedWork: Fiber,
committedLanes: Lanes
): void {
if ((finishedWork.flags & LayoutMask) !== NoFlags) {
switch (finishedWork.tag) {
case FunctionComponent:
case ForwardRef:
case SimpleMemoComponent: {
if (
|| !offscreenSubtreeWasHidden
) {
commitHookEffectListMount(HookLayout | HookHasEffect, finishedWork)

case ClassComponent: {
const instance = finishedWork.stateNode

if (finishedWork.flags & Update) {
if (!offscreenSubtreeWasHidden) {
if (current === null) {
} else {
const prevProps
= finishedWork.elementType === finishedWork.type
? current.memoizedProps
: resolveDefaultProps(
const prevState = current.memoizedState


const updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue

if (updateQueue !== null) {
// 处理 update 回调函数, e.g: `this.setState({}, callback)`.
commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, updateQueue, instance)

case HostRoot: {
const updateQueue = finishedWork.updateQueue

if (updateQueue !== null) {
let instance = null

if (finishedWork.child !== null) {
switch (finishedWork.child.tag) {
case HostComponent:
instance = getPublicInstance(finishedWork.child.stateNode)
case ClassComponent:
instance = finishedWork.child.stateNode

// 处理 update 回调函数, e.g: `this.setState({}, callback)`.
commitUpdateQueue(finishedWork, updateQueue, instance)

case HostComponent: {
const instance: Instance = finishedWork.stateNode

if (current === null && finishedWork.flags & Update) {
const type = finishedWork.type
const props = finishedWork.memoizedProps
commitMount(instance, type, props, finishedWork)

case SuspenseComponent: {
commitSuspenseHydrationCallbacks(finishedRoot, finishedWork)
case HostText:
case HostPortal:
case Profiler:
case SuspenseListComponent:
case IncompleteClassComponent:
case ScopeComponent:
case OffscreenComponent:
case LegacyHiddenComponent: {

throw new Error(
'This unit of work tag should not have side-effects. This error is '
+ 'likely caused by a bug in React. Please file an issue.'

// 重新设置ref.
if (finishedWork.flags & Ref)

Reconciler Performance Tips

  • Render: 通过一些启发式算法跳过没有发生变更的子树.
  • Commit:
    • 维护了一个列表用于记录变化的 Fiber, 不再访问其他 Fiber.
    • 首次渲染 (Mount) 时只有 HostRootFiber.flags 会设置 Placement, 在 Commit 阶段只会执行一次插入操作.
  • GC:
    • Reuse OldFiber objects when Bailout.
    • current Fiber tree and workInProgress Fiber tree for Double Buffering.

Minimal Reconciler Implementation

function performWork(deadline) {
if (!nextUnitOfWork)

// whether current status is idle status or not
while (nextUnitOfWork && deadline.timeRemaining() > ENOUGH_TIME)
nextUnitOfWork = performUnitOfWork(nextUnitOfWork)

if (pendingCommit)

// checks if there's pending work
// if exist, performWork in **next frame** when idle
if (nextUnitOfWork || updateQueue.length > 0)

function scheduleUpdate(instance, partialState) {


// React.render function
function render(elements, container) {
from: HOST_ROOT,
dom: container,
newProps: {
children: elements,
